
In the ballroom of a five-star luxury hotel, it looks very beautiful because it is decorated with many colorful flowers that adorn the aisle decorations at the wedding reception of the successor of the largest property company in Jakarta.

Of course everyone can judge that Akbar's event from the wedding reception of the famous businessman really spent a lot of money to make his wedding look perfect.

The number of fresh flower decorations starting from roses which have symbols of passion, true love and romance that exists between lovers, in wedding decorations, roses are expected to be able to bring happiness and mutual respect and respect between husband and wife.

There are peonies which are quite expensive because they must be imported, which have the meaning of happiness, fertility, and symbolize good luck.

The last flower is Baby' Breath, which is a flower with small white petals that is very popular as a wedding decoration that gives a strong rustic impression.

Even this flower also symbolizes purity which carries a symbol of pure and eternal love.

After the married ceremony in the afternoon, followed by a wedding reception which has invited many relatives and business partners from the Ravindra Group company.

Currently, the bridal couple looks like a King and Queen for a day because their appearance looks equally perfect.

The handsome face of the groom did not stop smiling when he saw the beautiful and graceful face of the woman he married this morning and is currently wearing a white wedding dress which was specially designed by a famous designer.

The wedding reception was of course attended by the families of the bride and groom.

The groom who doesn't seem to let go of his hand from the woman who he thinks is the most beautiful woman in the world, whispers in his wife's ear, "Honey, today is the happiest day for me because my dream to marry you has come true."

"Thank you for accepting my flaws and for accepting my love."

Of course the bride, who looked very happy, now immediately smiled a sweet smile that represented the same feeling as being able to marry a man who loved her very much and was willing to accept all her flaws.

Moreover, the caste between them is like earth and sky because she is just a village girl from a simple family. In contrast to the figure of a man who has a beautiful face and has it all. Very aware that between her and a man named Jimmy Ravindra it was like earth and sky.

"Don't always thank me. It makes me feel bad," said a beautiful woman named Dewi Maharani when she felt very lucky to be the only woman in Jimmy Ravindra's heart.

Meanwhile, Jimmy who was seen still holding the back of Dewi's hand and didn't stop rubbing it. He seemed to have shook his head, as if he did not agree with the words of a woman who looked very beautiful like an angel.

"It feels like thanking you a thousand times can't pay for everything. During this time, I've always been down because I have a deficiency and feel that life is meaningless."

"However, when you said you wanted to marry me, I really felt like I had been reborn. May we always live happily together, my wife."

Dewi seemed to smile when she saw the face of a small child who was enjoying the softness of the cake. Then turned to look at the figure of the man who was already her husband.

"May God answer our prayers and all our wishes."

A few moments later, Jimmy and Dewi are now busy smiling to welcome the guests who have started to arrive.

Don't forget to serve some colleagues and friends who want to just take pictures together to capture the phenomenal wedding moment that has been broadcast live by one of the television stations.


The atmosphere in one of the best rooms in the largest hospital in Jakarta, you can see the figure of a man lying on a bed. A man with a handsome face who is none other than Zayn Mahendra, has been in the hospital for two weeks and has no intention of getting up because he is feeling frustrated.

After the incident that left him with a head injury and had to be hospitalized, it seemed as if he had no zest for life anymore because he got bad answers to his questions.

Zayn is seen pulling his hair roughly because he feels very frustrated when the woman he loves is married to another man.

"What was so great about Jimmy Ravindra that you chose to marry him, Dewi?"

Zayn was seen repeatedly massaging his temples because he felt very dizzy when he was too much pressure on his brain.

He chose to close his eyes, hoping to sleep soon and forget all the bad things that happened to him. However, as several hours passed, he couldn't sleep at all and grew increasingly frustrated.

'I am indeed a coward who hides behind my fear. Aren't I such a shameless man for hiding here?'

'I have to go to Dewi's wedding and congratulate them,' muttered Zayn Ravindra who now quickly got up from the bed and violently pulled the IV tube without regard to the pain of pulling the needle out of his vein.

He looked for a change of clothes in the small cupboard next to his bed and immediately changed his clothes.

As soon as he put on a blue short-sleeved shirt and black pants, he reached for his cell phone to send a message to his assistant to come to the hospital immediately to take care of the administration and tidy up all his belongings.

With long strides, he walked out of his room down the hospital hallway. Zayn is now ordering a taxi to take him to the hotel where the woman he loves is holding a wedding reception.

He looked at the time machine wrapped around his left wrist.

"Hopefully the show isn't over yet and I still have time to congratulate them both. Hopefully after this, I won't be haunted by the shadow of regret for the rest of my life," said Zayn who was now getting into a taxi to a five-star hotel in Jakarta.

Half an hour passed and almost arrived at the hotel, suddenly from behind the taxi he was riding was hit hard by another vehicle and made his body bounce forward.

When he managed to straighten his body, Zayn Ravindra now observes the surroundings and sees a car turning and hitting another car from the front until it overturns. He even caught a glimpse of the bodies of two people in the car crashing very hard.

Zayn was seen repeatedly blinking his eyes to find out that what he just saw was wrong.

However, it was as if the universe didn't justify it because felt very shocked when he saw the accident right in front of his eyes, it was a wedding couple who had just held a wedding reception.

Wanting to be closer because he still hoped it wasn't what he was thinking, Zayn told the taxi driver to pull over and head outside to take a close look at the accident victim.

In fact, he was with other people who had run to help the accident victims, from the truck that hit a wedding car and immediately made him scream in a very loud voice.

"No! Why is it like this, Dewi?"

To be continued....