The parents of the man she hates

Moments before the accident....

The atmosphere in the ballroom of the five-star hotel, which was the venue for Jimmy and Dewi's wedding reception, began to look deserted as the guests left one by one, the most phenomenal event of the year because many media crews covered it.

It looks like Dewi, who feels very tired, has now landed her body on the throne after several hours shaking hands with the guests who congratulated her.

Now, she glanced at her husband who had been busy rubbing the back of her hand.

"When is this event over? I want to hurry home."

Meanwhile, Jimmy, who could see the tired look on Dewi beautiful face, now felt very sorry and also thought the same thing as his wife because he also wanted to immediately show a special gift for the woman he loved so much.

"Only half an hour, honey. After that, we're going straight home because I have a surprise for you. You must be happy that I've been preparing it for you for a long time."

A look full of curiosity can be seen clearly on the face of the Goddess. She, who had never been surprised by anyone before, now looked radiant.

"What surprise? Don't make me curious, tell me now!"

By shaking his head, Jimmy wanted to emphasize that he would not fulfill the wishes of his wife who looked very curious.

"If I say it now, it's not a surprise, honey. Be patient, you'll find out later."

Now, Dewi looks very annoyed and she has pursed her lips because she has to hold back her curiosity.

"That sucks! In that case, you shouldn't have told me earlier. So, I'm not burning with curiosity like this."

Just as Dewi closed her mouth, she saw a husband and wife whom she knew very well. She was really very surprised when two people who were not invited at all came to her wedding and immediately made her feelings fluctuate because it reminded her of an old wound that had just healed and now seemed to be opening again.

The humiliation she had previously received from a married couple who started to take to the stage where she and her husband sat on the throne.

'Why did the two of them come here? Haven't I been out of touch with their very proud son? Are they going to insult me ​​again like five years ago?' murmured Dewi with a million questions now dancing in her head.

Dewi glanced at Jimmy who was also as surprised as she was. "Did you invite them?"

Again Jimmy shook his head in response to his wife's question. Then he rose from his position. "Maybe they want to congratulate us. Or maybe there's something else they want to say?"

Like it or not, Dewi got up from her throne because she wanted to know what the hidden intentions of the husband and wife were getting closer and were seen smiling at her.

The middle-aged man who was none other than Rafli Mahendra, flashed a smile at the married couple who looked at him in amazement. He who did not want to linger there because he was aware that the woman who had significance for his son did not expect his arrival at all.

"Congratulations on your marriage, Dewi. Forgive us for coming when you did not expect us to come. We are here to apologize for the actions of five years ago. apologizing, will not be able to heal the wounds we inflicted."

"However, both of us, in particular I want to apologize for hurting a woman who is actually completely innocent."

Dewi, who was silent when she heard a sincere apology from the man who used to think she was just a grain of dust and insulted her completely for having a relationship with the son of the husband and wife, was none other than Zayn Mahendra.

She who still didn't make a sound because she was confused about what to say, could only smile with a nod of her head. It wasn't easy for her to forgive the family that was the cause of her downfall, so she still needed time to think.

At the same time, the woman who was no longer young and still looked beautiful hugged her and gently rubbed her back.

"I'm sorry, Dewi. We really sincerely want to apologize for our attitude that did not approve your relationship with Zayn. Now we realize that Zayn really loves you and is not at all interested in other women."

"Maybe this is reply for us for insulting you. May you live happily ever after with your husband."

Meanwhile, Dewi could only swallow her saliva roughly because she felt that the words of the woman who had hugged her very tightly seemed to sincerely regret her actions. Reflexively she nodded her head and rubbed the back of the woman who was none other than Zayn Mahendra's mother.

"Thank you for your prayers. May happiness also come to your family. For your apology, I accept it and want to forget what happened a long time ago. Even though it's not easy, but I will try."

"Thank you, Dewi," said the husband and wife at the same time.

Don't forget the two of them also congratulated the husband and wife before saying goodbye to leave.

"Thanks for coming," Jimmy shouted, now nodding his head as the couple said their goodbyes and walked off the stage from their thrones.

He glanced at Dewi who was still staring intently at the husband and wife pair.

"It seems they really regret their wrongdoing to you. What do you think made them realize and choose to apologize to you?"

Meanwhile, it was Dewi who still didn't distract from the husband and wife couple who walked past her parents. She answered Jimmy's question without looking at the man.

"I don't know. Maybe they got guidance from God."

Then she turned to look at the man next to her.

"Looks like there are no more guests coming. I'm really really tired and want to go home soon. Oh yeah, are we going back to your house?"

"No," replied Jimmy, who was currently observing the situation in the room. "Okay, let's go home now. Let me drive the car because I want to be alone with my beloved wife."

Dewi's face turned red with embarrassment when the man who was now her husband winked mischievously at her with a smirk and she knew where the conversation was going. However, she changed the subject of the verse not being embarrassed by her husband's misbehavior.

"Come on, I want to change my clothes first," answered Dewi who was already walking while holding on to her husband's strong hand for fear of falling.

Of course wearing a wedding dress and high heels, making her unable to walk around or run. Staring at the white wedding dress that expands at the bottom and makes her look like a real princess.

Jimmy, who had led Dewi down the small stairs connecting the stage to the floor, only chuckled in response to the scowl.

"You can change later, honey. Let me help you."

To be continued...