Taking care of divorce

After finishing the blood transfusion, Zayn was already walking out of the operating room. In fact, he really wanted to wait until the operation was finished.

However, he had made up his mind not to think about Dewi anymore, so he decided to forget the woman who was very important to him.

With long footsteps, he walked over to Dewi parents who were sitting on a chair. "Father, Mother, I have to go home first. It seems that the operation went well and Alhamdulillah Jimmy rose from the dead. All this happened because God had given a miracle to Dewi and Jimmy."

Supriyan now rose from his position and immediately patted the shoulder of the man who was taller than him. "Thanks Zayn. Hope they get well soon and can thank you."

"Don't you want to wait until the operation is complete?" asked Siti Aminah who actually felt sorry to see the sad face full of sadness from the man she had once hoped to be her son-in-law.

Zayn just shook his head slowly, indicating that this was very hard for him. He took out his business card and gave it to the middle-aged man he respected the most.

"Perhaps if you need something, you can contact me at this number. Maybe if you are willing to tell me about Dewi development later."

"Actually, I really want to stay here to follow Dewi progress. However, I am very afraid that I will make another mistake like five years ago. So, I have decided to stay away from Dewi and may she live happily ever after. Again, forgive all my mistakes. in the past, Father, Mother."

Now, Supriyan and Siti Aminah look at each other when they hear the sincere expression of regret from a Zayn who wants to admit his mistake.

Even they were currently feeling sorry for the man with the firm jaw, but couldn't do anything about it.

"Okay, Zayn. We will inform you of Dewi development later because you are a very meritorious person to our daughter. Thank you again for donating your blood to Dewi," said Supriyan who again patted the sturdy shoulder of the man he used to like and became his son-in-law. wish for him.

Zayn who is now smiling a forced smile to hide his destruction, hugs the man who he considers like his own father. "Thank you, Father. I am actually very unworthy to receive this extraordinary kindness, after the crimes I did to the Goddess."

Supriyan, who was touched by Zayn's extraordinary attitude, couldn't hide his admiration and started to express what was on his head.

"When a human being confidently repents, God will immediately give forgiveness. Likewise, we are only human."

"Besides, we know what made you make such a big mistake because you love our daughter so much. So, it's appropriate that the door of forgiveness is open to you. We have forgiven you, hopefully someday Dewi can see your sincerity and also want to apologize."

"Thank you, Dad. I'll go first, Mom. I hope Dewi and Jimmy live happily ever after when they wake up."

Stepping long legs left the hospital area without looking back. He will really let go of everything so as not to be burdened with the greatest sin ever committed.

Meanwhile, in the emergency room, Ani Ravindra, who had just woken up from her fainting, immediately returned to hysterics when she remembered what the doctor had said earlier. She released the IV needle that was currently in her hand.

"I have to meet my son! He can't leave me alone in this world. He's the only one I have, if my son dies, I have to die too," shouted Ani who was again decorated with tears from her eyes.

"Madam, calm down. Everything is fine," said the nurse who was currently grimacing in pain as her body was pushed by the patient she was calming.

Adi Ravindra, who had just taken care of the administration, entered the emergency room, saw his sister who was hysterical and was comforted by the nurse to push her, making her immediately rush to hug the slightly fat body from behind.

"Brother, stop it! Calm down! Everything is fine because Jimmy is back. Don't be like this."

Reflex Ani immediately let go of her brother hand and turned around to look at her younger brother. The expression on her face that was once full of sadness, now seemed to appear a glimmer of light that revealed a hope.

"Jimmy is back? My son is still alive, right?"

Adi Ravindra immediately nodded his head, a sign of confirming the question from his brother who was still decorated with tears.

"Yes, our Jimmy has returned and is currently undergoing surgery. So, sister must be strong, so that he can take care of Jimmy later. Don't be weak like this."

Now, Ani, who feels very happy, immediately rushed to hug her brother to express her gratitude.

"Alhamdulillah. Thank you for the second chance you have given to my son, Lord. I will always take care of my son. Come on, let's go there. I want to wait for the operation of my son."

"Yes, but first calm your feelings Sister."

Adi directed his hand to wipe away the tears that made the makeup on his sister face because it looked messy.

"Look at sister face, it's like a ghost." Give him the tissue he just bought from the cafeteria. "You'd better drink first and clean your face. Don't let Jimmy see how bad you are when you wake up."

Ani who felt very relieved and happy, confirmed the words of her brother and obeyed all her orders. Then she started walking out of the emergency room after she had previously apologized to the nurse she had pushed.

A few moments later, she arrived in front of the operating room and saw that Dewi parents were still there. She quickened her steps to get closer to Dewi parents and expressed what was on her mind at the moment.

"Please forgive me for my behavior earlier."

The reflex of the old man Goddess rose from the chair and shook his head, then smiled faintly.

Siti Aminah represented her husband to talk and resolve misunderstandings. Moreover, her husband was actually very angry and upset over Jimmy parents attitude.

"It's all right, madam. We can understand, no need to apologize. Maybe if we were in your position, we would do something similar."

Ani Ravindra extends her hand before saying her intentions. As soon as her outstretched hand was returned, she spoke again.

"With great regret, I want to say this. It's better if our relationship ends here. I'll get a lawyer to take care of my son divorce because it will take him overseas for treatment."

"Before anything goes any further, I want them to separate out of fear that my son will suffer the same fate again if he continues to have contact with the Goddess."

Suddenly, the husband and wife were shocked by what the middle-aged woman was saying.

To be continued ....