Contact a lawyer

Ani Ravindra continued her words to express what she was afraid of right now, "Sorry, I'm just a mother who is afraid of losing only son."

"Although I know that mate, sustenance, and death have been determined by God, but I can't get rid of my bad thoughts which think that all this happened because of the Goddess. You may hate and be angry with me, but the only thing I think about is my son."

Supriyan, who felt he had received a tremendous humiliation today, could no longer contain his anger. "Do whatever you like, madam. However, don't ever mention that our daughter is an unlucky woman because in this world, all humans receive grace from God fairly."

"So no child is born unlucky. I am very grateful for all this humiliation of knowing your true nature which is like not acknowledging the greatness of God. May you and Jimmy always be happy. We will never appear in front of you again because it will return to the village and live a quieter life."

Siti Aminah who stood up, was busy rubbing her husband arm to win him over. "Yes, my husband. Maybe this has become our daughter's hand. I hope she won't be sad when she wakes up. We'll just leave everything to those with more power."

Supriyan, who was still trying to calm himself down so that he would no longer express his annoyance, could only exhale roughly and turn his head away so as not to look at the face of the middle-aged woman.

At the same time, the door to the operating room opened and everyone in there looked at the doctors and inquired about the results of the surgery.

"How is my son, Doctor?" asked Ani with her face full of worry.

Likewise with Siti Aminah who wanted to immediately know the condition of her daughter. "Our daughter is all right, right Doctor?"

The doctor who handled the groom's surgery now looked at the middle-aged woman and began to explain what had happened.

"So, here it is madam. After we had the operation it went pretty well, but there is something you need to know about your son condition."

Ani, who was very excited to hear the doctor words, could only swallow her saliva roughly and couldn't open the voice that was caught in her throat. She only put her ears wide in order to understand the explanation from the doctor who explained her son condition.

"Yes, the patient had a traumatic brain injury from the accident earlier and there is a high probability of brain death due to a severe brain injury from a very hard impact from the accident. In the event of brain death, it is highly likely that the brain will not show its functions."

Reflexes Ani immediately felt her world suddenly collapse when she heard the doctor's explanation. With a quick movement, Ani tightly grasped the doctor's hand and pleaded with all her heart. Hope her efforts can make the doctor cure her son.

"Please do anything for my son, Doctor! Do your best for him to get him back to normal. I beg of you doctor!" Tears were streaming down Ani's face, which was full of fear.

"We have done our best, we are just waiting for the progress of the patient. Will there be any progress from the patient, hopefully the patient will pass his critical period. Soon the patient will be transferred to the treatment room. disturbing the patient. I'll go first!"

"Doctor, wait! I'm taking him overseas for treatment. Is it possible to take him on a long journey?" asked Ani Ravindra who now wants to give all the best for her son recovery.

The doctor, who didn't walk, was now looking at the woman with a face full of hope. "We'd better wait until the patient is past his critical period. Then you can take your son overseas."

"Thank you, Doctor." Ani, who was slightly relieved, now nodded her head and hugged her little brother. "Hopefully my son will pass his critical period soon."

"Just pray, may God give one more miracle to Jimmy, Sis." Adi Ravindra rubbed his sister back to calm his feelings.

Meanwhile, Siti Aminah and Supriyan also did the same thing, namely listening to the explanation from the doctor.

"Your daughter has had a head injury, just like her husband, but it's milder and more severe because she's more likely to have amnesia."

Supriyan and Siti Aminah's reflexes are now staring at each other.

"Will our daughter recover from her amnesia, Doctor?" asked Siti Aminah with a worried face.

"Before, I will explain about amnesia so that you can understand everything. Amnesia or memory loss is a disorder that causes a person to be unable to remember facts, information, or events that she has experienced. Memory disorders in people with amnesia can be mild or severe to disturbing the life of the sufferer."

"Amnesia can be temporary or permanent. Memory loss in this condition can be partial or complete memory loss. Generally, people with amnesia can still remember their identity, it's just that they have difficulty remembering new things or remembering events in the past."

"There are several types of amnesia and conditions experienced by your daughter including Infantile Amnesia, which is a condition that causes a person to be unable to remember events that occurred in the first 3 to 5 years of life. People with amnesia may not be aware of their condition, so temporarily if the patient wakes up, she must not know things related to her past."

"Astaghfirullah." Siti Aminah, who is currently looking at her husband, feels confused and turns to look at her husband. "How is it?"

Supriyan, who is currently trying to strengthen his wife, is already busy rubbing the skinny arm. "This is only temporary. So, for the sake of the Goddess, it's best if we obey the doctor's orders."

The doctor, who had not finished explaining, now spoke again. "We will do Cognitive tests, to check thinking and memory skills, blood tests, to detect infections in the brain, MRI or CT scans, to see damage, bleeding, and brain tumors, electroencephalogram, to detect electrical activity in the patient's brain."

"There are many medications that will eventually cure your daughter's amnesia. So don't worry. However, I have one bad news to share."

This time, Supriyan and Siti Aminah felt like they were riding a rollercoaster because they were afraid and nervous at the words of the doctor who looked very serious.

"What other bad news, Doctor? Even that one bad news has really shaken us," Supriyan whispered, staring intensely at the face of the doctor who was much younger than him.

"Sorry, but I have to tell you this. Most likely, your daughter was paralyzed by the accident," said the doctor with a look of regret on his face.

Suddenly, the middle-aged husband and wife now feel very shocked by what happened to their daughter. Both of them had tears in their eyes as they hugged each other to strengthen them. Don't forget the moaning voice of a woman who is none other than a middle-aged woman who has started to decorate the silence of the hospital.

Meanwhile, Ani Ravindra feels the same way. She felt very shocked and sad when she found out what had happened to Dewi.

However, it did not make her undo her decision to separate her son from the woman she considered the cause of all these misfortunes.

'I'd better get a lawyer to take care of the divorce so that my son doesn't have anything to do with Dewi anymore. Maybe if my son didn't marry that woman, this bad thing would never have happened,' murmured Ani Ravindra who is now seen taking her cell phone from her bag and calling the family lawyer.

To be continued...