Great expectations

The husband and wife couple, who are none other than Dewi parents, felt very shocked and sad when they heard all the lengthy explanations from the doctor. It was as if their world had suddenly collapsed when they found out that their only daughter had amnesia and paralysis.

Both of their faces looked very pale when they saw the nurses who brought their daughter and son-in-law out of the operating room into the room, they followed behind with an uncertain feeling.

Don't forget the grains of sadness on their faces which represent broken feelings.

Currently, Siti Aminah is thinking about finding a way out of the problems her daughter is facing.

'What about the hospital fees? We didn't have any money at all, while Dewi's surgery and treatment would cost a lot of money. Where can we get the money for the hospital fees,' said Siti Aminah, who is still very confused about finding her daughter's expenses.

She now sees her daughter-in-law being treated in the room on the right because Ani Ravindra doesn't want to be in the same room, so she sends the nurse to another room.

When Siti Aminah had just finished wondering in her heart, she saw the figure of a husband who had just come out of her daughter's room and sat next to her.

"How is it? What will happen to our amnesiac and paralyzed daughter?" Siti Aminah whispered as she tried her best to hold back the tears so they wouldn't escape from her eyelids.

Supriyan, who is currently confused about what to say, because he doesn't even have acquaintances in Jakarta to help him because his daughter's adoptive parents who used to help while living in Jakarta are still in Singapore. The only thing he could think of was one person and he wanted to ask his wife's opinion.

"What do you think if we tell Zayn the truth? In Jakarta, he's the only one we know and maybe he can lend us money to pay for the hospital fees. Although we don't know what to pay for later because he's just a poor person, but for the sake of Dewi, I will do anything. If necessary, I can sell one of my kidneys later."

Actually, Siti Aminah had the same thought before, but when she heard about selling her kidney, she immediately hit her husband on the shoulder.

"Don't talk silly! Who would want to receive a kidney from parents like us. Maybe there is another way that can be done. We'll just ask Zayn later. I can be his servant for life without getting paid to pay off debts," said Siti Aminah with strong determination and feel confident that the man who connected with her past will help solve her problems.

"I will also be his servant for life for the sake of our daughter's care until she recovers. If it's just you, maybe I won't be able to quickly pay off the debt. So, let me contribute with you," said Supriyan and immediately saw his wife nodding her head, a sign of agreeing with the idea.

Without wasting time, Supriyan took Zayn's business card which he had kept in his trouser pocket and entered the number in the contact list. Then start pressing the call button and the phone line is connected.

He waited anxiously for his call to be answered and it didn't take long for a hoarse baritone voice to ring out.


"Hello, Zayn. This is Dewi father. Sorry for interrupting your rest."

"Dad? No, it doesn't bother me at all because I haven't slept since. Thank God you wanted to contact me. I've been waiting to hear from you. How is it? Did the operation go well? Dewi and Jimmy are all right, right?"

Supriyan swallowed his saliva for a moment before telling the truth that misfortune had befallen his daughter so that she had no place to lean on other than the man who she considered to be like her own biological son.

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. Can you come to the hospital now? There's something important you need to know and I can't say on the phone."

There was silence for a while because Zayn, who was very confused, heard a request from the parents of the woman he loved so much. He had promised that he would never see Dewi again for fear of not being able to forgive the woman he still couldn't forget.

"Sorry, Dad. It's not that I don't want to come there, but it's like I said earlier that I want to forget your daughter. I'm sorry.

Understanding what Zayn was feeling, Supriyan finally didn't waste time and started making sounds.

"There is one thing I want to tell you. More precisely, I want to ask you for help because I don't know who else to ask for help."

"Yes, Dad. I'm listening. Just tell me. I'll definitely help if I can," said Zayn, feeling very curious about what Dewi's parents wanted to say.

"Actually, Jimmy is now in a coma and his mother decided to take him overseas immediately."

"Will Dewi also be taken abroad, Father?"

"No, Mrs. Ani Ravindra immediately took care of the divorce because she thought this accident was because of Dewi. Even earlier, my daughter was insulted as an unlucky woman. Aah ... never mind. Forget it! My goal is not that, but I want to borrow money for hospital fees because Dewi has amnesia dissociative and also paralyzed."

There was only silence as no more sound could be heard. Even now the phone line is disconnected and makes Supriyan frown. He looked down at his phone and turned to his wife.

"The phone is disconnected, ma'am. Is Zayn not willing to lend money for hospital fees? Maybe he thinks we don't know ourselves," said Supriyan, who was currently leaning against the wall as he sat in the chair in front of his daughter's treatment room.

Siti Aminah, who felt that her husband's words were not true, just shook her head. "Let's just wait a few minutes. He'll definitely get here and bring the money. I'm sure Zayn is a nice guy and will feel sorry for the Goddess for loving him once."

"Hopefully what Mother said is true. Hopefully Dewi can recover her memory soon and also her paralyzed leg will recover after doing therapy," said Supriyan with full of hope.

"Amen, rabbal alamin," answered Siti Aminah, who had high hopes that God's prayer would be granted by her husband.

The husband and wife are still patiently waiting for the man who once had a past with his daughter to come and help them because they don't know what to do if Zayn doesn't want to help.

To be continued...