Substitute son-in-law

As soon as he got a call from Dewi father, Zayn immediately turned off the phone and hurriedly got up from the king size bed which was a silent witness to his sadness today.

Actually a while ago, after coming home from the hospital, he stayed in the apartment to drown himself with sadness. He deliberately did not go home because he did not want his parents to see him at the lowest point in his life.

He, who had not changed his clothes earlier, made it easier for him to go straight to the hospital. As soon as he took his car keys, Zayn walked in such a hurry that without realizing it, his foot hit the corner of the cupboard and he ignored it.

Although the pain was excruciating, it didn't make him want to check his leg because he was focused on walking out of the apartment.

Once outside the door, he ran towards the elevator with a smile that never stopped etched on his lips. Even his heart beat was now beating very fast beyond normal limits when he felt happy, and relieved.

He realized he might be a crazy man because he was so happy the woman he had loved so much for the past five years was divorced on the first day of marriage. Although it does not reduce the sadness, namely Dewi experiences paralysis and dissociative amnesia.

"I'm sorry, Dewi for feeling so happy for the misfortune that happened to you today. I love you very much and don't want to let you go a second time. I will change everything and now your parents are in my hands."

"Just a moment ago, I thought about getting revenge for all my past sins and thought everything that happened was unfair. However, it turned out that what happened managed to slap me with a miracle."

While in the elevator, Zayn did not stop giving thanks and he felt the elevator was moving very slowly. Even though he wanted to get to the hospital immediately to meet a woman who he loved so much, but could never have.

As soon as the metal box door opened, Zayn was already running out to the place where his car was parked. As soon as he reached his car, he hurriedly got inside and sat behind the wheel.

Then he started the car engine and drove his car out of the apartment area to the hospital. He even increased his speed to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

"Goddess, you must really hate me for taking advantage of your misfortune to possess you. Even though I've apologized a thousand times, I know you'll never forgive me. However, this time it seems like fate is on my side because only I can help. You can walk again."

Zayn has now devised a plan in his brain and will make the woman he loves very much his.

'I won't treat the dissociative amnesia suffered by the Goddess because it's my luck. Dewi parents will definitely agree with my offer later," said Zayn with a shining face and still focused on driving his car to the hospital.

He picked up speed again because he wanted to get to the hospital as soon as possible. The night atmosphere on the streets of the capital city, which was still full of passing vehicles, did not dampen the spirit of Zayn, who drove his car very recklessly.

Regardless of safety because the only thing on his mind was wanting to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

After traveling for about thirty minutes, now the black car has entered the hospital area. As soon as he parked his car in the available space, Zayn had turned off the car engine and got up from the seat after removing his seat belt.

As soon as his long legs hit the ground in the hospital area, he ran back to the information room to ask where Dewi was being treated. Regardless of the gazes of the people who saw him because he ran like a dog chased him.

As soon as he found out the woman's room he was so crazy about, he ran back to the elevator because the place he was going was on the third floor.

Fortunately, the hospital atmosphere at night is not as busy as during the day, making it easier for him to take the elevator without having to queue. Even now, his heart is still beating very fast because he feels very scared and happy when he will be able to see Dewi beautiful face

"Relax... calm down, you can't be nervous, in front of your future in-laws, Zayn."

The sound of the elevator dentin, which indicated the door was open, made his heart pound even more because he was going to meet Dewi's parents because his plan was to say that he would marry.

He swallowed hard his saliva as he walked out of the metal box door. By turning his gaze around to find the whereabouts of the figure he was looking for, his sense of sight could now catch the silhouette of a married couple currently sitting in front of the hospital room.

A rough gasp was heard from Zayn as he walked closer to the Goddess parents. He saw Dewi mother massaging her husband temples. The sight confirmed that the middle-aged man was really feeling dizzy because he was burdened with many problems today.

"Father, Mother," Zayn whispered with a face full of a million feelings bubbling.

Supriyan reflex opened his eyes and his wife turned to look at the figure of a man who had come to the village to ask for his blessing.

"Thanks for coming, Zayn?" exclaimed Supriyan who felt a little relieved because his wife guess was correct.

That the figure of the man who had walked towards him was really a good man. Although in the past he had hurt his daughter heart, but after seeing the sincere apology from the tall man, made him want to forget Zayn mistakes.

"Yes, Dad. Let's just say that everything is in order because I will be the one to bear all the hospital fees." Zayn, who wanted to start it all, now started fishing for the husband and wife and immediately cheered with joy when he heard the voice of the middle-aged man rushing to hug him.

"Thank you, Zayn. Mother Dewi and I are willing to be your servants for life without pay. I will even sell my kidney to pay my debt to you." Supriyan is now still reluctant to let go of his arms because he feels very happy and relieved when one problem is solved.

Until he felt very surprised when he heard the answer from the man who had just been released.

"I don't want that, Father because I love Dewi very much and want to marry her. You two will not be my servants, but my in-laws," said Zayn who was now staring intensely at the face full of wrinkles from the figure of the man standing in front of him.

At the same time, Ani Ravindra who just came out of her son room, intends to meet Dewi parents because she wants to see the condition of her son-in-law. However, seeing the scene in front of her, made her feel angry because she felt that the husband and wife had found a replacement for their son.

"You poor ignorant people! At a time when your soon-in-law was struggling to survive, you were already looking for a replacement for my son. You really have no shame!" shouted Ani Ravindra expressing her anger at the three people she hated the most.

To be continued...