Get a blessing

Supriyan, Siti Aminah, and Zayn immediately turned their heads to look at the figure of the source of the voice. Of course they could see the angry expression on the face of a middle-aged woman with a very puffy face and it was certain that she had not stopped crying for the fate of her son who was struggling with a critical period.

Supriyan, who immediately clenched his fists, couldn't hold himself back anymore because he couldn't accept being accused of something he had never thought of.

"Don't make accusations, madam. It would never have occurred to us to look for a substitute son-in-law at a time like this. We were only thinking about the hospital costs of having to provide the best for our daughter."

Siti Aminah just rubbed her husband's strong arm, to calm her emotions a little. She didn't want a riot in front of her daughter's room, while Dewi inside was struggling to get through death.

"Don't be angry anymore."

Meanwhile, Zayn who feels entitled to defend Dewi's parents and thinks it is better to openly tell Jimmy Ravindra mother who has decided to arrange a divorce.

"Haven't you already arranged a divorce and are going to take Jimmy abroad? Is it wrong for Dewi to remarry immediately and live happily? I will prove to you that Dewi Maharani is not the unlucky woman as alleged! Or do you hope that Dewi will remain a widow forever? ?"

Ani Ravindra who only smiled sarcastically because she hated the three people in front of her. She who initially wanted to see Dewi condition, finally gave up her intention and cursed again.

"Now I don't care what you do anymore because I will take care of everything, so it will be sorted out soon. At first I thought you were a good person. It turns out that you are only after our family property. After that doesn't work, immediately change direction and brainwash this stupid man!"

"Astaghfirullah, you are wrong, madam," said Siti Aminah, who this time came forward to explain everything.

She did not want the misunderstanding to drag on and make her daughter good name tarnished. "As my husband said, we want to borrow money and be willing to serve Zayn for life without pay. We will do whatever it takes to make Dewi recover."

Zayn, who wanted to convince Dewi's parents not to doubt him, now chose to speak again, "Father, Mother, as I said earlier. I will make you in-laws, not servants. So accept me as your son-in-law."

"I will find the best doctor to treat Dewi so that she recovers and returns to a normal life. Don't care about the judgment of people who have no relationship with you anymore. Would you rather choose me as a son-in-law or choose this woman's opinion?"

Supriyan and Siti Aminah reflexes immediately looked at each other and felt very confused to answer.

Meanwhile, Ani Ravindra only smiled sarcastically because she felt that she had been insulted by the man standing in front of her.

She felt increasingly convinced that her decision to separate her son and take her to go abroad for treatment was the right one. She still believes that Dewi is a woman who is unlucky for her son, so she wants to keep her away.

"Whatever you want to do, I really don't care. Wait for the summons from the court." Ani now turned around and left the three people she hated the most.

Meanwhile, Siti Aminah and Supriyan both exhaled roughly. They never thought that the woman they thought was kind could turn into a woman who seemed heartless.

They both turned their heads towards the man who was suddenly faced with two choices.

Supriyan landed on the chair and patted on the side. "Sit here, Zayn."

Zayn finally obeyed the orders of the middle aged man and listened to what the Goddess Father was currently saying.

Supriyan began to reveal what was currently bothering him so that the man who loved his daughter so much changed his mind.

"Father can't make a decision when the Goddess has dissociative amnesia. If one day she remembers everything, won't she just hate you? Even we will be hated by the Goddess."

Even the figure of his wife who was next to him was crying bitterly at the thought of his daughter bad fate. He did not forget to rub his wife back to be patient in facing all the trials that befell his daughter.

While listening to the explanation from the middle-aged man, Zayn didn't agree at all because he was sure he could make Dewi love him after giving him a lot of love.

"That will never happen because the Goddess will eventually love me. I believe that this is God's way to unite me with the Goddess. So, I will never waste it. I will take this opportunity to win the Goddess' heart back."

"Even though one day his memory will come back, I still want to give it a try. Hopefully Dewi can see my sincerity and accept me as Jimmy replacement."

Even though he knew everything needed a process and time, he wanted to convey his good intentions to the parents of the woman he still loved very much.

"Father, Mother, actually I want to sue the woman for being unfair to Dewi. However, when I think about it, it will only make Dewi deal with the media crew and also the police who ask for information. So, let's just let the woman do it however, there's something I want to talk about about my intentions."

Supriyan and Siti Aminah, who did not understand the direction of Zayn conversation, both looked frowning.

Feeling very curious about what the man with the firm jaw wanted to convey, Supriyan opened his voice, "Just say it. What do you really want to say?"

Zayn swallowed hard his saliva because he was very nervous when he wanted to express his intentions to the parents of the woman he loved. He even thought this was a proposal, but he never expected to do it when the woman he loved so much was struggling with death.

"Accept me to be your son-in-law. I promise to take care of and love Dewi throughout my life. I really love your daughter. Even now, I can't forget her. I will try to be a good husband and always give the best and bestow her with kindness."

As soon as he said his intentions, Zayn, who was very relieved to have revealed everything to Dewi's parents, was again haunted by anxiety because he was afraid that his good intentions would not get a response from the middle-aged husband and wife.

Meanwhile, Supriyan and Siti Aminah are now looking at each other because they are both shocked by Zayn's intentions. They didn't even think about it at all.

Finally, Supriyan began to express what was currently churning in his heart. He felt very touched when he saw the sincerity of a man who had made a mistake and was hated by his daughter.

"Are you serious? My daughter is even now paralyzed and amnesiac. She will only be a burden to you, while you can find the perfect woman with your handsome face and wealth."

"How could you choose our daughter who will only make things difficult for you. We don't want Dewi to suffer any more because of an insult from the rich. Caste can never be blamed because in truth, the poor and the rich are in fact different."

Zayn who did not want to make Dewi's parents feel sad, again tried to make sure that his intentions were really sincere.

"I really love your daughter sincerely without ever thinking about caste. Even all humans are the same in God's eyes. Only charity that distinguishes caste, not a treasure. I also want to atone for all the sins I've ever done to Dewi. So, I beg you to accept it. my good intentions, Father and Mother."

The irregular heartbeats felt by the husband and wife indicate that both of them are currently truly moved by the good intentions full of sincerity from the man who looks very serious.

In the end, they both nodded their heads and welcomed the sincerity of the man who wanted to make amends.

"Okay, we will bless him. Hopefully Dewi will accept you to be her husband. Even though this takes a struggle because it has to go through many processes. Dewi must have been very shocked by what happened to her. However, we hope that all these trials will pass soon."

Zayn's face is now starting to light up because the intention of his plan has been approved by Dewi's parents.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad. I will accompany Dewi through all of this. I will be the one to lean on for her later, so that she doesn't suffer from her current condition."

Supriyan and Siti Aminah also nodded their heads and breathed a sigh of relief after the burden they were carrying was slightly reduced. They did not stop thanking God because there was a way out for their daughter.

They did not forget to pray that their daughter would one day live happily ever after together with a man who is considered a god of help for solving problems that come repeatedly today.

To be continued....