Forever you are only mine

Zayn had told Dewi parents to rest in his apartment by sending his assistant to pick up his future in-laws. He already considered Dewi parents to be his in-laws because he was sure he would marry a woman who for the past 5 years meant a lot to his heart.

He who understands amnesia, which is not completely memory loss, but only memories of a few years are lost. So, he wanted to check it himself by waiting for Dewi to wake up.

Believing that the woman may have just forgotten something painful, namely forgetting the incident where she had wronged Dewi.

Several hours had passed, Zayn had even fallen asleep in the chair next to Dewi bed. He gripped the palm of her hand tightly with her slender fingers. Hoping to find out if the woman who had always loved so much woke up from her anesthetic.

At two o'clock in the morning, Dewi slowly opened her eyes and observed the atmosphere around her. Her vision was still blurry and she slowly surveyed the scene in front of her. The room is air-conditioned with white curtains and there are equipment such as a refrigerator, tv and a small wardrobe.

She moved her body a little, but couldn't move. Only her hand could be moved and she saw the figure of a man holding her hand with his head on the bed table. Dewi tries to remember something, what really happened. However, she groaned in pain as she tried to remember.

A low moaning sound caught Zayn ears and managed to awaken him from his subconscious. Zayn immediately raised his head and looked at the figure of a woman with a pale face like the corpse.

"Dewi, thank God you're awake. I'll call the doctor, wait a moment."

Zayn immediately got up from his position and intended to walk out. However, his hand was held by a woman who was now looking at him and asking about what had happened.

"Wait! What happened to me? Why did I end up here? Why can't I remember what happened to me?" asked Dewi holding her bandaged head.

Zayn who felt confused to answer the question from the Dewi because he wanted to know the last memory of the woman, so he did not answer, but instead asked a question.

"What's the last thing you remember, Dewi? You probably went into shock after an accident while taking a taxi."

For a moment, Dewi was still silent and remembering that the last thing she remembered was when she was splashed with water by the male lover in front of her.

"Didn't you tell me to act as your lover in front of friends who were at the restaurant? Then my hair was wet until my body was cold. Did I have an accident when I came home to the boarding house?"

Reflex Dewi immediately nodded her head to agree with Dewi words because she thought that all of this was a way for her to enter the life of this very poor woman.

He now landed his body beside the bed the woman who was still staring at him. He didn't forget to hold her hand tightly.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault. You ended up like this because you didn't take you home to your boarding house. So, all of this happened to you. I'm sorry for making you end up unable to walk."

Like being struck by lightning, Dewi rolled her eyes when she was shocked by the harsh reality she had experienced. Her heart was beating very fast and her breath was very tight when she knew that she was now just a useless woman and would be a pain to her parents.

Meanwhile, the purpose of coming to Jakarta is to help the family's economy in the village.

Instantly, tears escaped from her eyes and ran down her cheeks. Even the sound of her crying filled the rooms in the hospital.

"No! Why did all this happen to me? Why don't I just die as well? So as not to be a burden to my parents. I'd rather die than be paralyzed for the rest of my life. Just kill me. I don't want to live so pitifully like this."

The sound of the heart-rending moan managed to make Zayn feelings tremble too. He wanted to hug her body tightly and comfort her. However, the position of the Dewi lying down with the many tools on her body, made it impossible for her to do so. He just gripped her palm tightly to calm her down.

"Dewi, I'm sorry. Don't talk like that. I will take responsibility for you because all this happened because of me."

Dewi, who was still moaning and sobbing, didn't care about anything anymore because what happened was that she wanted to end her life and thought that being a human was useless. Her life seemed shattered when she heard the harsh reality experienced.

Meanwhile, Zayn is still trying to calm Dewi who looks very shocked and sad.

"Be patient, Dewi. Don't worry, I will answer to you."

"What responsibility? Can you make me walk again? I just want to walk and you can't possibly be responsible!" shouted Dewi who felt very angry, annoyed and frustrated at the same time.

Not wanting to make the figure of the woman he loved so much sad, Zayn now immediately revealed what he would do.

"I will take you for treatment abroad so you can walk again. I will do anything for you. Not only that, I will marry you so you don't feel like you are a burden to others."

"I will try to make you happy even though you can't walk forever. I will also help your family finances because you can no longer work. I will be a husband who will be responsible for you forever. Trust me and don't be sad."

Hearing all that Zayn had just said, Dewi felt very strange because she knew that the man she had just met was a casanova and liked to change women.

"Sounds like you're drunk, Mr Zayn. Don't talk nonsense like this to me. You really are so ridiculous that you talk like that."

Feeling his serious words were not believed, Zayn finally got up from his position and he was now kneeling under the bed with an intense gaze on the woman who looked very shocked to see what he had done.

"I'm really serious about you, Dewi. I want you to be the mother of my children because I love you so much. I fell in love at first sight since I met you in the elevator."

"Everything I did to you was just an excuse because I really wanted to be with you always. So, will you accept me as your husband? I want us to live together forever until we are old."

Dewi could only swallow her saliva because she was very surprised by Zayn actions, which she knew was not a random person.

"Does Mr. Zayn seriously want to marry a disabled woman like me? Please stand up and don't be like that because it feels very inappropriate for a subordinate to get this kind of treatment from his superior."

Zayn finally stood up from his position and landed his body next to the Dewi again.

"I'm serious because I have your name engraved in my heart. Since I met you, I'm not interested in other women because I only want you. So, marry me.

Zayn waited for an answer from his proposal with pounding feelings. He was afraid of being rejected by the woman who meant so much to him.

'I'm sorry for making up this lie. Once the divorce proceedings filed by Jimmy mother are complete, I will marry you. We will live happily ever after,' Zayn whispered who could only express his feelings in his heart.

Dewi, who had been in shock and helpless, did not believe the words of her superiors at all.

However, seeing the sincerity of the man who was currently directing his affectionate gaze at her, naturally made her heart melt. Finally, she nodded her head, as a sign of approval to accept the man proposal.

"I accept it, Mr Zayn. I want to be your wife because of the seriousness in your eyes. I believe you will make a good husband."

Now, Zayn, who was touched to hear the approval of a woman who would accept him, did not stop kissing the back of Dewi hand.

"Thank you, Dewi. I love you very much and I hope someday you can love me too."

Meanwhile, Dewi just nodded her head and wanted to express something she felt when she first met the man in the elevator.

In fact, he immediately bent down to scoop up those pale sensual lips. Expressing how happy he is that his dream to marry Dewi has finally come true. Just a soft kiss without a sip or a crush.

'Forever you are only mine, Dewi Maharani and I will not let a single man possess you. Even Jimmy," muttered Zayn who now felt that fate had been on his side.

To be continued...