Talkative woman

Twilight has moved to the bed and is now replaced by a dark atmosphere decorated with sparkling starlight. The atmosphere in Dewi boarding room looked very quiet because all the occupants had entered their respective rooms after previously chatting in front of them.

Because the time is already seven o'clock, so women who feel very tired after a long day at work, want to rest to recover energy, so that tomorrow they can return to activities with a fresher body.

Unlike Dewi, who had been lazing in the room because she was in a bad mood after receiving a call from Zayn. Seen at this time she was wearing a long skirt with a short-sleeved casual top.

She felt bored and chose to watch the latest Korean drama which tells the story of a police officer who has the expertise to hack the system of criminals who have an illegal online gambling business.

"Wow ... if in this world there is a perfect man like him and loves me. Maybe I won't end up in this cramped room. However, it will be happy to be the wife of a handsome and cool man like him."

Feeling what she said was ridiculous, Dewi chuckled to herself on the bed.

"Good grief! I've been like a madman for laughing alone in my room."

Just as she closed mouth, a very familiar woman's voice made her turn to look at the door that had been knocked on.


Dewi hastily got up from bed and walked towards the door because didn't want to make the woman who was none other than her boarding house wait too long. "Yeah, just a minute."

'What is it that the landlady suddenly came? Haven't I already paid this month's rent? Why am I so nervous? Like people who are afraid because they are only charged with debt,' thought Dewi, who immediately opened the door and rolled her eyes when saw the landlady standing in front of the door with the figure of a man who she thought was very annoying.

Covering her mouth because she couldn't believe that Zayn was in front of the boarding room, Dewi blinked a few times to make sure that the scene in front of her was just an illusion.

However, she had to swallow hard saliva when heard the voice of a middle-aged woman who was none other than boarding house.

"Dewi, this is your boss who came all the way here, immediately asked your mother for permission to take you to attend an important company event. I really appreciate the good intentions of your boss who are not like other men who love boarding children because they have never met mother and asking permission to ask out."

"Why haven't you prepared and made your boss wait?" asked the woman who was none other than Amy.

Dewi, who was still in shock and confusion, was silent in her place as she stared with thick eyes that currently locked gaze with a smile rising from lips. Until the voice of boarding house mother again woke from daydream.

"Dewi! Even daydreaming, again!" Amy patted Dewi shoulder.

"Eh… yes. Sorry, my throat is sore." Dewi pretended to clear throat and held her throat to act.

Then turned to bow respectfully to greet Zayn with a forced smile. "Good night, sir."

Zayn put his hand forward because he felt very uncomfortable with Dewi attitude which thought was too excessive. "Don't be like that to your own lover, dear. The landlady already knows that you are my lover."

"So don't pretend to be like that." Zayn turned to look at the woman who was the owner of the boarding house. "Thank you, ma'am. For bringing me here. Sorry for bothering me."

"Because currently my lover lives here and is far from parents, so I ask permission from my mother. I consider you to be the mother of my two lovers while living here. So, I'll leave my lover and don't be angry, okay?"

The bright expression on the middle-aged woman's face explained the joy of gaining the trust of a well-known director of a large company.

"There's no need to be shy, sir. Then, I'll go first. You may come, but you may not enter the room."

"Of course, ma'am. You don't have to worry. I'm not a man who likes to do perverts because I'm still a virgin until now." Zayn smiled and looked at the departure of the landlady who tapped on the shoulder and pointed two thumbs up at him.

Until when he turned around, could see Dewi flushed face which knew was holding back the fire of anger.

Dewi felt very upset and frustrated to see Zayn was desperate to come to boarding house. Until talking to the landlady. Of course, it made feel like had no face anymore.

"What exactly do you mean, you? Why do all this to me? Isn't this not in accordance with our agreement? Aren't we just pretending in front of cousins, you? However, why did everything become so widespread? Is your hobby doing what you want without thinking about other people's feelings?"

Getting angry and long lectures from Dewi made Zayn feel dizzy because didn't expect that the woman in front of him would nag to and fro, just like his fussy mother.

"You are just like my mother. Very chatty."

"Good grief!" Dewi, who is getting her patience tested, looks busy massaging temples. "I spoke at length, but this is only the response, you?"

'This man can really drive me crazy,' Dewi murmured, who was currently feeling annoyed, but tried to restrain herself, so as not to pull the hair of the man in front who always tested patience.

To be continued...