Managed to make curious

Meanwhile, Zayn, who just chuckled at Dewi annoyed face, didn't care about it at all.

At this time, only looked inside, namely the boarding room where the woman he wanted lived and felt cramped to see a room as big as bathroom.

"Jesus, you're not claustrophobic living here?" Zayn turned to look at Dewi beautiful face, which was still pursed and sour.

Ignoring the mocking question from her boss, Dew intended to close the door after entering the room because she didn't want to get tired of nagging, but the man didn't respond.

"I'm sleepy, please get out of here. Oh yeah, I'm not going to work at the company tomorrow. So, the previous agreement was cancelled."

Dewi, who was about to close the door, couldn't do it when Zayn put his foot in between the gaps in the door and made her angry again. "What do you really want?"

Zayn who was still holding the door with his feet, looked at Dewi with a face full of pleading eyes. "I've promised my friends to take you to meet them. If I don't keep my promise, they might think I'm a fraud."

"If my cousin hadn't seen you earlier, I could have brought any beautiful woman. However, I can't do that because he has memorized your face. Didn't I tell you that the rice has turned into porridge?"

A rough gasp that indicated like someone who was carrying a heavy burden, Dewi finally gave up the intention of closing the door. The last sentence heard, realized.

For a moment she was silent and began to think about what to say.

"You're right, 'rice has turned into porridge' and I had to eat it because it was already cooked."

"Although very sorry to accept your offer, but I have to finish it anyway, right? Because I have no right at all to determine what I want."

"You'd better sit there because I want to change into this."

By shaking his head in refusal, Zayn immediately grabbed Dewi wrist, so he could get out of the room which thought was very narrow and stuffy.

"No need to change clothes because now we are going to the boutique to change you because I don't want my friends to criticize your appearance. I will impress the men with your beauty."

Zayn looked at the time machine wrapped around his left wrist. "There's still an hour to go, so there's still time to go to the boutique and get your makeup done. Come on, let's go now!"

The coercion, which she really considered as sacrificing human rights, made Dewi feel even more disgusted by the man who had grabbed her left wrist.

'This man is really very annoying. Why has my fate changed like a servant who must always obey orders from his master when he is with this playboy. Be patient with me, Lord.'

Satisfied with cursing in her heart, Dewi, who felt very uncomfortable when hand was held by Zayn very strongly, threw it away.

"You'd better wait in the car because I want to get my cell phone and bag."

Finally Zayn chose to relent and carry out Dewi orders because now, had walked towards his car which was parked on the left of the boarding house. Then get into the car.

"This woman is very difficult to tame. Looks like I have to play tug of war, so she doesn't feel claustrophobic when I'm with me. Patience ... patience." He rubbed his chest and with eyes still staring at the black gate to see a female figure coming out of it.

Meanwhile, Dewi, who repeatedly exhaled heavily, was still busy cursing Zayn when she put cellphone into her sling bag.

"He who wants to meet his friends, why should I bother. It seems really thinks I'm tacky. To the point that intends to change my appearance as he wants."

After locking the door, Dewi, who was not wearing any make-up or changing clothes, now walked out of the boarding house area, towards a black luxury car that was parked not far from where she lived.

Her intention was to sit in the back because she didn't want to be next to a man thought was very annoying.

However, the car door was locked and he couldn't get in.

Dewi opened the car window and immediately made a sound. "I'm not your driver. So sit in the front!"

Because there was no other choice, finally Dewi had walked around the car and went inside to land her body beside Zayn.

Without saying a word because heart was in a rage, making just silent after the car drove away from the temporary residence area for her.

'Looks like I have to move out of this boarding house immediately after work, so this guy doesn't come here. Maybe, he will always come here later,' murmured Dewi, who had been turning to her left to see passing vehicles in the middle of the night.

Contrary to what Dewi felt, Zayn who was currently concentrating on staring ahead, smiled triumphantly. However, he just kept quiet and didn't want to make the woman who didn't want to look at him even more annoyed.

'Tonight, I will turn you into a Cinderella who will hypnotize everyone. All my friends will admit that I am the perfect man who can get anything I want.'

Zayn recalled a moment ago, contacted his cousin and said he was going to show off a new lover.

Of course he had already said his plan, which was to sabotage fake lover. He made his cousin confess the mastermind behind all today's events.

At first, the cousin refused and didn't want to be a scapegoat, but when he offered something that his brother was after, Zayn's plan was immediately approved.

The offer is the latest mobile phone that costs tens of millions, it is felt that it is worth the effort to be alone with Dewi.

Fifteen minutes later, Zayn's luxury car has arrived at a boutique next to a beauty salon whose owner is his mother's sister.

Once the car was parked neatly in its place, Zayn turned off the engine and walked out. Waiting for Dewi to come out, Zayn glanced at his watch to make sure he wouldn't be late.

"Hurry up, Dewi. I don't want to keep my friends waiting."

Holding back the feeling of anger, Dewi hesitated to get out of the car because she was thinking about the last words of the man who was currently staring at her intensely.

"Wait, Mr Zayn. Will there be a lot of men? I mean, will I be the only woman in the restaurant? Your friends bring their girlfriends, don't they?"

Very casually Zayn shrugged and walked towards the boutique. Leaving the figure of a woman who was heard screaming at him.

Meanwhile, he only smirked when managed to make Dewi feel curious.

To be continued