
Meanwhile, Dewi was still standing frozen in place because she was wondering about the punishment that Zayn had just talked about. "Actually, what punishment is that playboy talking about? Why do I feel so bad!"

Realizing that the seconds had passed, Dewi hurriedly walked towards the elevator and returned to the fifth floor to work. She had a lot to learn, but instead wasted time and cursed stupidity by massaging temples when felt dizzy.

Once on the fifth floor, by greeting while bowing slightly to several people who were already sitting at their respective desks, Dewi hoped that everyone would help her.

However, smile was only answered flatly by everyone, especially the female staff who seemed unwilling to return friendly attitude.

'Why does everyone seem to dislike me? What's wrong with me? Or is the president spreading bad news about me? This cannot be allowed. Looks like I'll have to ask him during recess,' Dewi muttered to herself."