Feed you with my mouth

Seconds passed and the clock showed break time. All the company staff closed their laptops and got up from their chairs to go to lunch to the company cafeteria.

In contrast to Dewi, who does not turn off her laptop because she feels lazy to eat for fear of getting strange stares from all company staff.

Ririn, who just got up from the chair, frowned when she saw that Dewi didn't get up from her place. "Dewi, you don't go to the canteen to eat?"

Shaking head slowly, feeling lazy and powerless, she looked at Ririn on the left. "I'm not in the mood. You just go because I want to study these files first."

"Are you sure you're not hungry? Or is there a date with the president in his office? The president must have ordered delicious food for you, right?" asked Ririn with a wink.

"Okay, I'll go first. Have fun with the president."