Do unreasonable

Dewi hastily wiped away the tears of sadness on face when she saw her son, who had been playing with some workers in the tea garden, already running towards her.

"Mommy." Thrown into the mother's lap.

"Rafa isn't playing with Aunt Eni in front? Soon daddy will come with grandma. Rafa will wait in front, okay?" Dewi waved her hand at the figure of a middle-aged woman who worked at the house, to invite her son out.

The husband and wife who were the hosts had not returned from Singapore because they still wanted to accompany the daughter who had just given birth to a grandchild, so this time she chose to have the proposal held there because the house was empty.

As soon as her son left the room, Dewi turned her gaze back to her parents. "Father and Mother should move here because I don't believe that other people look after Rafa all day while working. Especially since I have to work all day at the office."