
'That kid... is he Jimmy's kid? Rafa, the boy is about 4 years old and it is certain that he is Jimmy's son. Then, what exactly do I want to pursue?'

Now, Zayn got into the car and drove it leaving the company area at an above average speed heading to peak.

According to him, the more people, the easier it would be for him to ask Dewi. He will also admit his mistake in front of everyone, and at the same time ask Dewi what other sins has committed.

During the hour and a half city trip to the top, Zayn tries to string together sentences as penance for his past sins.

Even though he has to kneel even in front of everyone, to beg for forgiveness from a woman who is believed to have changed his original nature, who used to be a playboy and likes to change women.

As soon as he found Dewi's home address, Zayn's car had pulled over to the side of the road because there were already two cars parked neatly there in the wide yard.