Beautiful fate

Zayn didn't want to hide anymore behind the mistakes he made in the past, so explained everything so that Dewi's name would remain good.

"All of that happened because I raped Dewi five years ago. That's why Dewi hates me so much. So, please don't accuse an innocent woman of something she didn't do at all."

Understanding everything that was happening, now the middle-aged woman cursed Dewi for only using her son and thought that she would immediately take care of everything to end their relationship.

"Wait for the summons from the court!" Then walked away leaving everyone behind.

"Actually, what happened, Father? What did Mrs. Ravindra mean by saying subpoena?" asked Zayn who was now staring with a look full of questions.

Supriyan landed his body on the chair and patted next to him. "You must be very tired of carrying Rafa. I'll tell you everything."