Sad look

After talking to Dewi, Zayn told her to get plenty of rest. Even Zayn didn't let go of his hands, as if he didn't want to be separated after five years of losing his memory and the woman he loved so much.

Actually there are many things that Dewi wants to ask about things she has forgotten, namely about an accident because she doesn't remember anything at all. However, because of the pain in head and earlier called the nurse and was immediately given an injection through an IV tube.

While Zayn is currently observing the figure of a woman who is already unconscious. "I still can't believe that you are now mine, Dewi. Even though I always use unconventional ways to get you, I've never regretted it as long as you're with me."

"Even if destiny plays with our lives because you feel what I feel when I have to lose my memory. I hope you can forgive all my actions after your memory returns."