Ch 12: Belonging to a powerful family

Jacklyn looks back to Meghan as it seems she has come to find something important from the papers.

"What did you find, Meghan?"

"Well, I won't say it's important, it's more interesting because one of these papers has a name written on it. A name you are requesting from that person is Delia Alexandria Donaldson."

"Alright, we now know her name from some papers. What makes her interning by that."

Ivy spoke while grabbing the woman by the neck, raising her into the air with one hand and pining the body to the wall.

"That's the thing that makes it interesting. You see that woman there is someone who belongs to a powerful and rich family. One that has stories of their deeds on battlefields making them out to be fearsome warriors."

"Donaldson was her last name that's right, I have heard about them from time to time they have quite the popularity of that family."

Jacklyn walks up to Delia who was being held in place by her comrade.

"Tell me if she is a part of such a family, how come we have her as our prisoner."

"Hmmm a good question, no way these soldiers could have defeated her on their own and there isn't anyone who was sent with them at a powerful level."

"So would that mean she allowed herself to get captured to save those escaping."

Saying that Jacklyn notices a reaction from the woman Delia by the eyes going wide in shock. Looking upon that it was clear she hit the mark on that.

Ivy caught it as well, smiling as she turned her head to face Jacklyn.

"You got it right there Jacklyn with that guess."

"Seems I have, but she still isn't going to talk. Am I right in that as well?"

Jacklyn waited for a response, but of course, it was the same outcome with Delia being quiet.

"Look at me she is still going to keep her mouth shut. I gotta be honest this woman is a loyal soldier to her empire makes me respect her for it."

"A thing you don't normally come to find in such a person these days Ivy."

"Alright what do you want to do then if she isn't going to talk at all? I can beat her for a time to make it happen."

Jacklyn thinks about that suggestion Ivy made and soon waves a hand as if to say go ahead.

Her smile went wide as she was glad to get permission.

Delia comes to feel a fist hit directly at her stomach knocking the wind out.

Jacklyn leaves to let her comrade enjoy playing with her new toy.

At the time she thought to lay on the bed, closing her eyes to take a nap at this moment.


[in the woods]

A rabbit alone wanders around the woods with not much care for the world but still holds a high guard to hearing its surroundings.

The small creature hops around for a bit looking around as if seeking something.

That when at the time something Flies hitting the ground near it causing the rabbit to be sacred and run away.

"Oh, come on I was so close to having that rabbit meat."

Chase cries out moving out from hiding behind a tree being angry at himself for missing the target as he walks toward to grab his stick from the ground.

"No need to be patient, rushing in the hunt will not bring you good results in it."

Allyson follows behind telling him at the same time.

"Oh, sorry wish one please shows these clues male on how to truly hunt right."

"Don't be a smart ass as it is not my fault you are bad at it."

"You know I would like to see you catch one if you think you can."

"Sure, I'll show you that I can."

Allyson moves in the direction that same rabbit runs in as it goes far, but in time the two of them come eventually to find that small creature again.

Both hide in some bushes and keep their eyes on the thing.

Allyson carefully moved her body to stand up to make sure no sound was made to alert the rabbit in front.

She takes a deep breath while pulling back with the stick in her hand.

Pausing for a minute until throwing it at the rabbit where too late the small creature felt the stick piercing inside its body.

Chase in a way knew she was going to be able to kill this rabbit but still hated it in the end.

Allyson gets out of the bushes to pick up her stick now having a dead rabbit attached to it.

"Well, I have my dinner. Next is you to get yours."

"Mines, we are not going to share that rabbit."

"No, we're not, I got it on my own, and besides it is not going to be enough to feed people."

"You have a point; I think there is another one of those jumping around here."

Chase and Allyson took the time looking for another rabbit and when they did, he would try to hunt one down and end up failing at it from time to time.

This went on for about a while until the sun was halfway down being in a sunset mood.

"This is taking too much time. The sun is close to an end and night is going to be upon us."

"Well look, I am doing my best hunting. It wasn't my strong suit."

Chase let her know while he removed his stick from a tree it was in.

"Damn looks like I am going to have to share my food with you."

"Don't make it sound like a bad thing, but there is no need to worry, I am not going to give up."

"Did you not hear me? Nighttime is about to come."

"I don't care if you can go and eat your food. I, on the other hand, am going to keep on hunting until I get my food."

Chase goes on to keep hunting ignoring Allyson. She on the other hand follows him as to what other choice is there to do.

They walk around for a little longer till hearing a noise which draws attention to the right direction it came from.

"Well look at that, there's something near and to hunt."

"Hey, think before doing anything because where we are doesn't mean rabbits are going to be the only thing we encounter."

"Relax, I am sure it is nothing that dangerous. Who made that noise is fine so far as we have been out here."

Chase walked in the right direction seeking what it could be and hoping for it to be something good to hunt.

"Better not be or your ass is going to be left behind if it is."