Ch 13: Suffering ends with Mercy

Chase and Allyson walk for a time going right as he wanted to see what made noise in this direction. Soon the two found what it was being a female deer who was at the time eating off a bush that was covered in small colored berries.

"Such luck we have come to find a deer, a female one at that too."

"I am shocked that there are even deers in this world, well the boar that I encountered should have been enough to believe there are other familiar animals here too."

"Good thing we didn't come to find a boar again."

Allyson brought that up and Chase remembered that time having a desire not to have a repeat like that again.

"Anyway this is going to be my food soon, so watch me hunt this creature."

"Yeah, wish you the best of luck." A sarcastic tone can be heard from her.

He ignored it and took a step forward, but of course, Chase made a sound rushing too fast into hunting the deer then be careful.

Thanks to the deer having a high hearing detection it turned its head to look straight at Chase.

He froze in place, not moving again while making eye contact with the creature.

They stand in place and face each other for a minute until the deer decides to run as fast as possible.

"No I will not let you get away, you are going to be my dinner."

There wasn't time to focus on his throw, so Chase just did it as the stick flew fast and surprisingly actually hit the deer's side.

Yet it didn't go down, just let out a cry of pain when hit and kept on going leaving a tail of its blood.

Chase went after the wounded deer and what other choice was there to do.

Allyson follows as well, making it the two of them having to keep up with the running deer.

The time it took was nearly short as the creature became weak after losing a good amount of blood from the wound.

Soon the deer had not enough strength left to keep running or even stand falling to the side.

"Oh fuck me I am glad that didn't go on longer than needed."

Chase was tired, but not breathing heavily thanks to the running training he had back on earth.

"It may no longer be able to run, but this deer is not dead, she is still alive, but breathing slowly."

Allyson caught up quickly and brought herself down to the deer level looking at it.

She then takes the small knife giving it to Chase, he didn't understand why Allyson was trying to give it to him.

"You need to end the deer's suffering and give her a quick death."

"Why not do it since you're right there."

"This is your catch, so you have to take responsibility and at least give the deer mercy."

Chase grabs the small knife from her hand and gets down at the same level.

Watching closely as this creature shows its body going up and down in an upward breathing moment.

It was clear from the sight the deer was in pain from the stick impaled into the body.

Allyson watches wondering if this male is going to finish the creature off.

"What's wrong don't tell me you have a problem killing an animal as well even after hunting it."

"I don't just…. I am not used to doing this as it is my first time. Never did hunt either, by the way."

"I see then I will give you some help on this part."

She placed her hand upon his being the one holding the small knife.

Slowly Allyson guided that same hand directly to the deer's neck where a part of the body is best to start.

Carefully the blade of that small knife enters the creature as it makes noise from feeling such a thing.

"Shh, it's alright you are going to sleep peacefully now."

Saying this to the Deer while using her other hand to pat the head as its eyes began to close meaning there was no longer living inside.

Chase on his own now removes the small knife from the neck and gives it back to Allyson.

"Thanks for that."

"It's not a problem, it looks like you have caught yourself a better prey than mine for sure."

"Yeah it is, but there are problems now. I have to carry the body for a time until we find a spot to male camp for the night that is coming soon."

"Then we better get that done soon."

Allyson gets up and walks over to grab the stick out of the dead deer's body.

"I'll take this with me while you place the deer over your shoulder to carry it."

"Yeah, I got it."

Chase picks up the body and places it on his shoulder. Allyson then walks forward as he follows her.


|1 hour later|

Allyson and Chase found a spot when that was done next to take care of the deer body.

Such has no skills in skinny an animal that only left the girl to do not as she offered anyway.

Chase wanted to help but was told not to since Allyson thought he was going to get in the way.

Instead, he was put to gathering the wood to use for the fire at night.

After a while, both of them were done with the job they were given to do.

"I got as much wood as needed, I see that you are done with the skinny."

"Yes I am, how much are you going to be eating?"

"Well not the whole thing if that is what you are thinking, you're going to have to help me with that."

Allyson didn't expect she completely thought the male was going to keep it all to himself, letting her have to eat just the rabbit.

"That…. Kind of you."

"What with the shock, I didn't think I was going to offer you some."

"Yes I did, I mean what reason do you have to share with me? I probably wouldn't, maybe."

"Well I am not an asshole, so after I get the fire made we can have some delicious deer meat. That's going to be my first time eating it."

Chase gets to work on placing the woods together to have them ready to burn.

"I had deer meat before, quite good, I say you like it, male."

"Still calling me just Male am I ever going to have you call me by my name."

Allyson thought about it after Chase said that she stopped for a moment, turning her head back to look at him.

He notices and does the same awaiting whatever it is going to be she is going to say.

"Was the name Chase that you go by?"