Ch 27: A nice talk with the old lady

Angie, the village chief, walks up to Chase and Allyson asking to borrow the young man for a time.

"I am sure that Chase wouldn't mind giving you that time. Angie isn't that right."

She looks at him as he looks at the old woman, seeming there is no way to deny her the request.

There were few before by some of the females, but he said no to every one of them.

"Sure why not."

Chase was done at the time with his food getting up to let Angie wrap an arm around him as the two started walking around the village.

Watching the people having the time of their life where there is no need to worry about anything at this moment.

"Look at them enjoying this party thrown tonight."

"Yeah now that they don't need to worry anymore about their home being attacked by goblins."

"And it's all thanks to you and that young lady coming in at the right time to lend a hand with the problem."

"Honestly, it's a good thing we did what the two of us saw there."

It goes quiet for a minute until Angie talks again.

"So are you going to make a move on the young lady, young man?"

"Wait what!."

"I am just curious if you two are going to become a thing in the future. There are a lot of feelings growing between the both of you."

"Hey I think you're talking about a nonsense lady, nothing is going on between us or ever will. I mean we are just getting used to each other that's all."

The old woman laughed, amazed by Chase's reaction to the question that was brought up.

"Relax, you do not need to explain anything to me about the reality between the two of you. The reason for this walk together wasn't to talk about that or a good-looking young man by my side yet it is still nice for an old woman."

"Ah yeah right, so you asking for this there was something you wanted to talk to me about then."

"This is a very important discussion, I must have with you alone and someone like yourself to listen to."

Chase was getting a feeling not sure how to make this discussion to be good or bad.

"What this talk has to be about."

"I may not look at it or give off the feeling, but I am a magic-user myself, and when one is such for a time they pick up the skill of detecting others of the same abilities."

"I have no idea what you are getting at Angie or anything about this magic thing."

"Good act in that way to anyone who couldn't sense the mana, but the ones who can stay away from them."

Both stop walking where the old woman stands in front of his sight.

"There is no lying to you there."

"No there isn't even if I am old, I have quite the experience In skills learned during the time of war."

"Then you keep this a secret not going to tell anyone."

"Of course not, I understand what would happen if the knowledge about you using magic will result. I don't support that way as to me it is horrible what any of them are doing to benefit from."

Chase was glad about this old woman being on his side, a nice thing.

"You must do everything in your power not to end up in such a situation."

"Oh I definitely will, there is no way they will get me, I like to put up a fight."

"Good to hear young man and, luckily, your mana is low to alter magic-users detection."

"Yeah, but I don't understand how I can do what I did back at the cave. Allyson said something about me being awakened yet that doesn't make sense given I am ...."

Angie notices that Chase has stopped talking and looks at him wondering why.

He was stuck between telling this old woman about being from another world.

An answer comes for the best to say.

"It doesn't matter what is important to keep my head down right Angie."

"Yes as long as you can for a time until the mana within the body grows."

No doubt Chase chose not to tell her and the old woman had to understand respectfully in not digging into it.

"Man it would be better to have you teach me about this magic sure as hell will be of help."

"I would be pleased to assist you on that, but someone else should be the one to help teach you I am old after."

"I am sure you can't be that old bet you still got a thing or two on showing me."

"Oh you charmer, I could teach a young man like you a lot of things."

Unexpectedly Angie made a move to get a feel of Chase's private secretly for no one else to notice.

"Bless with such a gift down there as well."

"Thanks." He was uncomfortable, smiling awfully, not sure how to handle being touched by an old woman.

Angie laughed a little, stopping what she was doing to him.

"I would like to ask for a favor from you."

"Sure love to be helpful."

Chase had the feeling that she was going to ask for more private time together and there was no idea what he could do about that.

"If ever by the chance you cross paths with my granddaughter, I would like you to give her your seed."

"Oh thank God for a minute there, I thought…. Wait what!."

"I know asking you to do a thing as that seems a lot given we don't know each other well or the fact you haven't even met my granddaughter, but I have a good feeling about you and that if the two spend alone together would make the bloodline stronger. Also, it would be nice to have great-grandchildren to play with in the time I have left in this world."

A request like this never in his life would be a thing on hearing about a grandmother asking him to sleep with her granddaughter.

"I have to think about this Angie."

"Take as much time as needed, not too long, I hope not too much did I mention about the time of living in this old body."

"Yes you did, but what about the mother surely she got to have to say in this."

When he said that Angie made an expression of sadness.

She wrapped her arm against his and the two resumed walking.

"I am sorry, I may have overstepped my words there."

"Ah you did no such thing, it just brought back an unpleasant memory. You see, my daughter Bianca passed away during a time of the war that was going on. She was a soldier serving the empire for the greater good."

"Must have been one hell of a soldier."

"Indeed she was just like me fighting in the war against the men and now her daughter Erma has taken the role of being a soldier like us. Honestly, I wouldn't want the girl to follow our footsteps hoping that she could do something different for the best."

There was a mix of that tone of voice in Angie, one being proud and the other of worry.

"You told her your feelings and thoughts about it."

"I have, but Erma has inherited the strong will of being stubborn from us."

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"A few months ago the girl did her best to visit as much as possible with this grandmother."

Chase and Angie talk for a little longer as he gets to learn more about Erma, Bianca, and Angie.

"I think it's time to end our time. I don't want to keep that young lady alone anymore."

"Allyson I am sure she will be fine."

"Ah, males you have a long way to go in understanding females. Go to her and take the girl to a dance."

He knew better than to argue with an old woman listening to what she told him to do and walk right back to Allyson.

"Done hanging out with Angie how it goes."

"It was nice that she was a fun old lady to talk with."

"Yeah, Angie seems like the type to have a lovely conversation with."

"I have to ask if you want to dance with me."

Allyson became surprised to be asked to dance with Chase and didn't look to be the type into it.

"Is this a joke from you?"

"No, it is not, head up if you agree to this. I am no way a good dancer, so I won't be blame when I give you a warning about it."

"Oh, I think not this will be much of an enjoyment for me."

Allyson took his hand as the two of them went dancing like the others.

As it was said from him the dance skill showed not in being the best, but the girl having fun is the important part.

Angie watches with a smile on the two of them yet there is a question she did not take the chance of asking or wanted to ask.

"How strange a young man like you looks just like him."