Ch 28: A day with no peace

|Next day morning time|

"Well look like this is it, I have to say it was lovely meeting you, Angie."

"Same here dear, hope to see you 2 again whenever you're near the area, always welcome to this village."

"Thank you for everything Angie."

Allyson and Chase were saying their goodbye to the village chief along with the other people wanting to see the two off.

It was kind of these people to offer another horse, so they don't have to ride only one.

Even Ruth was there to see them leave more so, focusing only on Chase secretly wanting him to say and not go away, but too shy in saying anything about it.

The old woman hugs Allyson and then moves on to hug him while at the same time whispering to the side of his ear.

"Take good care of that girl and also don't forget to give my granddaughter your seed."

She then broke off of the hug right before he had the chance to respond, also taking the opening to squeeze one of his ass cheeks making Chase feel a little awaker about that.

After that, both get on their horses looking at the people of this village one more time until both start to take off riding leaving the village where it can no longer be in view.

"Alright now that we have horses, how long till we reach this town."

"I say about a day given that nothing gets in our way. It should be about that thanks to Angie sharing with me information about the location of the town we're looking for."

"Good thing we run into this village, it's quite beneficial for us."

"I agree with you that not only was it us to receive help but those nice people at the village are now free to be living their lives."

Chase and Allyson stop talking after that riding their horses quietly for the rest of their journey.


| a Few hours later afternoon|

"Man this is nice, I hope Allyson doesn't get pissed off about me sleeping while having to keep an eye on the horses.

Chase leaned back against the ground where it felt right to do at the moment alone since they are taking a break.

Allyson at the time went to scout the area and also take care of business that required privacy and he was left with the job of watching the horses.

Things are going well and nothing seems to destroy it if that was true to be as right now three females hiding from notice sight were staring at Chase.

"Look at that we have come across something good to take back to camp."

"Interesting how a male is just by himself laying there like there is nothing to worry about."

"Hey are you blind don't you see the other horse next to the other one, he is not alone, there is another person he is traveling with."

"Well it is not hard to believe it is just a female he is with, but not for long."

The three females laugh together while getting out of hiding and slowly walking to where Chase is at.

Not long he comes to feel a sharp cold blade touching his throat causing his eyes to open and see three females smiling down at him.

"Shit, I had hoped nothing was going to happen."

No choice Chase had to obey them if they wanted to stay alive, starting with having both hands tied up with rope and put flat on the back of one of the horses they were taking.

Soon all of them have left the spot heading towards their camp where Chase's fate lies.

"Chase, I am back after taking care of things, I took a look and saw that we are close to reaching the town soon."

Just when they are gone Allyson returns soon only to be shocked that Chase and the horses have disappeared.

She was thinking that what happened was that the male took the chance in escaping, but a thought like that was erased when the girl caught the tracks heading in one direction.

Besides that Allyson seems to have no point in taking another horse with him and that Angie has also warned her about bandits hanging about, but they shouldn't bother since they haven't caused much trouble yet they should still keep a lookout.

Well turn out the bandits have just made trouble taking what does not belong to them and this girl has to get it back.

"Oh for fuck sake can we not have the day of peace without something getting in the way."

Allyson curses whatever higher being is making their day to be a pain in the ass.


| an hour later|

Being tied up and placed at the back of a horse wasn't something Chase thought to ever happen to him more, even to end up in a situation like this.

"Damn it, what am I going to do? These girls just took me and told me that the way they wear their clothes tells me they are not from a village."

Chase thought while trying to see where these females are taking him an answer to that question where in his sight view see tents put up.

Getting closer by the second till entering the spot where the tents can get a closer look at and other females moving around along with talking among each other.

He didn't go unnoticed when each one of them saw him showing a wicked smile.

Not a good thing when Chase has a feeling about what they could be thinking about doing to him.

"Oh, right we got to make sure our leader knows about the male that we kidnapped."

"Come on, do we need to let her know about the male we caught? What if she takes him for herself? I mean this one is good-looking, not like those other ones we caught."

"Not unless you want to lose your life over this one male then go ahead be my guest."

"Yeah on second thought it's better to stay on her good side than other males out there for me."

The two others laugh at their friend changing her mind so quickly being reminded of how monster their leader could be.

Chase pays attention to their conversation and wonders how badass this person could be as the leader.

The horses stopped moving and he was grabbed, taken off the horse he was on, and dropped to the ground.

"God damn it could you be more gentle with me."

"Shut the fuck up."

One of them kicked Chase in the face hard and a little blood came out onto the ground.

"Careful, you know that she will be pissed if a male is damaged."

"Just teaching this guy to know his place now before making some trouble later."

"Yeah well not unless the leader gives the permission alright. I am going to let her know what we got."

One of them leaves heading towards a tent being bigger compared to the others.

"Leader, may I have permission to enter."

"Yeah come in."

Given permission she goes inside seeing a female sitting on a chair with both legs placed on a table filled with a map completely open, a dagger stabbed into it, and some coins there as well.

"So what is it that you want better be good to take up some of my time."

"Oh, it is because we caught something you might like to see."