Ch 32: A pain not normally felt before

"Oh come on why the hell is the boss of those female bandits going after me. I am not that important to hunt down fucking damn it."

Chase hated that they chose to split up with the other two going a different direction.

Luck was not in his favor since Vera kept up with him firing arrows one after the other from the crossbow.

He was able to dodge them using the best of his reflections making sure none can touch him.

"Stop making this a pain in my ass, just let's hit you with an arrow."

"Fuck you I am not going to do that, I want to live not to die."

Vera starts to get very annoyed with the male she was after but doesn't give up trying again.

Reloading the crossbow with another arrow, she focuses on aiming with her one good eye for a moment till taking the shot.

The arrow flew at a fast speed that soon made success in impaling the back of his right shoulder of Chase.

Once hit he loses his balance with his footing flying to the ground rolling for a few seconds until stopping.

Chase quickly reached behind to grab the arrow and pull it out.

Another arrow comes to hit the lower left side of the front of his body.

"Ah! Just as I took out the arrow, come on."

He reached to grab that one, taking it immediately. Yet it wasn't the best thing to do at the time since a lot of blood was coming out.

Chase places the other hand on the wound to stop or at least to slow it down while trying to get back up and run again.

"Finally caught, you male now has to decide whether to keep you still alive or just kill here and now."

Vera caught up, placing the crossbow right at the front of his face blocking him from getting away.

"Funny, I didn't think my life was going to keep getting Into problems like this."

"Well you got shit luck then, now give me a reason why in keeping you alive and it better be a good one since I am not in a good mood."

"Oh please, do you think I am going to do that? Yeah, keep dreaming that to yourself bitch."

Vera brought the crossbow down a little, showing him a smile on her face.

Right at just a second Chase comes to feel a hard kick to the side of his face.

Forcing him to fall to the side, he was going to bring himself back in place but stopped when Vera's foot got placed upon his back.

"Think you got guts to talk to me this way huh piece of trash."

She slammed her foot down hard a few times as Chase took it, waiting for an opening to show itself for him to take.

"What wrong! Got nothing else to say to me now, did all that big talk go away when I start beating you."

Vera removed her foot off the back to now aim it to kick at the side.

There Chase took action, taking the foot and holding onto it before it could hit.

"Fuck let go of my foot, you bastard."

She tries to break free yet that was impossible given how stubborn he was in not letting it go.

Then still holding onto an arrow that was taken out of his body using it to stab at the thigh of the left leg that was being held at the time.

"Ah! You are going to pay for that."

Vera aims the crossbow at Chase's side-firing, but at the time he rolls himself away as the arrow hits the ground.

Afterward, he gets back to stand on his two feet and charges at her as both of them clash with each other.

First to do was remove the crossbow in hand, disarming her is important.

Chase aims for it, getting a hold along with having to deal with the struggle Vera puts up against him.

"You think there is a chance you can take this crossbow away from me. If I was you, I would have just run instead of trying this."

"Bringing you down is better than trying to run away from you."

"Looks to me, that is your biggest mistake in doing male."

Unable to prevent what was about to occur from the pain Chase was no doubt a thing he normally does not come across.

Vera sends a kick heading and makes contact with the lower area of the part of the body.

When it hits the pain shots itself throughout Chase fast and hard which almost chases him to let go.

Yet he doesn't ignore the pain to the best of his abilities, still paying attention to what is going on.

"Impressive still stands even after I kick you down there. I wonder if you can still keep it up that way when I repeat it again."

Hearing her say that brought him to make a move fast using his head to crush Vera.

This makes it possible for Chase to take the crossbow away and throw it to the side.

Now no longer holding onto that weapon and dealing with the pain of getting a headbutt along with a little blood coming down one side of the nose.

"My decision has been made, you're going to die, I am going to make a male like yourself suffer so much that in the end death will only be the thing you desire."

"Come on…. And try it… I am…. Fucking man it."

Chase goes into a fighting stance while still feeling the effects of the pain of getting kicked in the dick.

"Very well let it begin."

Vera removes the arrow from her left thigh throwing it away then takes out a small red liquid bottle.

"What the hell is that in her head?"

He watches as she opens it and lets all of that red liquid go down into her mouth till a single drop wasn't left behind as the empty bottle got thrown afterward.

Nothing comes to happen when that is over, but what does is Vera starts to whisper words to herself that Chase wouldn't be able to hear.

At the time he witnessed light shine within her body for about a few seconds until gone.

"Alright, you got to explain to me…."

Chase stops talking once Vera quickly disappears like she just vanished into thin air.

He looks around confused at what just took place before his eyes.

A minute there Chase was believing that Vera could have just left, but that was wrong when red hot blood spilled onto the ground.

"What!?.... how."