Ch 33: Save from a close death

Quick talk: Hey I wanted to take a moment and thank all my readers for helping this book reach this far at 160k views and 1,200 collections hopefully to increase that further in the future.

This is a big achievement for me to get there with your help as it fills me to keep on going with the story.

So I say to all of you, thank you with all my heart for this.

Side note: 1. I have fixed some mistakes that were made by me and hope that if any of your readers see any more of them, let me know with your comments.

2. I was told the MC also had Orange hair which I shouldn't have put, so I changed the color to royal purple. I hope you guys are ok with that if not and want his hair to go back as it was then let me know.

Enjoy the chapter


Chase at the time was having difficulty keeping in mind what just occurred.

Being attacked from the back feeling his body get slashed yet there wasn't an enemy to see doing this act.

Even worse to not give a single time for himself to do anything when another slash takes place across his chest.

Cursing more of Chase's blood to spill onto the dirt ground.

Then another cutting at the thigh of one of his legs, another at the lower side of the back and so on until he reaches a point to stop.

"What did I tell you, I was going to make you suffer and look at you now."

Vera shows herself again for him to see as right now Chase was covered in cuts all over the body.

Bleeding endlessly where required medical attention immediately before further damage could be done.

"You know it is quite unexpected to see a male like yourself still standing on his own two legs after going through all that. My respect for you has just gone up a little and that doesn't happen often to a male I come across."

Vera brings her sword to look at the blood on the blood where it just drips off the tip of the blade.

"I don't….. need your respect…. What you just did to me….. isn't worth comparing to another."

"Still shit talking are you well can't say to be surprised on that. Anyway, let's test to see how you are after I use my sword to stab instead of slashing that flesh."

Vera went straight forward charging with full speed aiming the blade part of the sword to pierce the stomach.

Chase his condition is unable to do anything from bleeding out non-stop so much and slowly getting weaker by the minute.

"Come on now! Try to do something to make this interesting for me."

Right then Vera was at a very close distance to reaching the goal of stabbing him, but just at a last-second moment there comes the sound of two swords clashing with one another.

The other person to have arrived just in time was none other than Allyson, someone that Chase was glad to have come to save him, a soon death that was near.

"Ah, so you have come to step in and look like things are going to be more interesting here."

"Yeah well, I couldn't just let you kill this guy. It wouldn't be right if I had allowed a filthy bandit like yourself to leave a bad taste in my mouth."

"Look at that other shit talker, I have to deal with listening here you young bitch, I am not going to have any chance of mercy just because we are the same gender."

"Funny that's the same thing, I also keep that in mind when I have to kill another female."

Vera and Allyson stare each other down for a time until it takes the bandit leader to take a step back.

"I can tell that my girl is no longer alive if someone like you is here."

"You're right, she wasn't much trouble for me to take care of and get here right on time."

"Allyson…. Good to see you…. Now I can take some rest…. While you deal…. Her."

Chase had no longer the power to stand flying down face forward to the ground.

"Chase!." as she turned her eyes to his concern for his well-being Vera took the opening to strike.

Of course, Allyson won't let a thing like giving the enemy a chance at attacking her when not paying attention for a second.

Blocking the sword with her own again and then going for an attack which gets dodged by the enemy.

"Damn almost had you there going to have up my game when fighting you

"Cheap move to try taking."

"Hey, I am a bandit. Did you forget that doing things like that is how I keep myself as the leader of my girls and over anyone else that tries to take me on?"

Allyson knows that she is going to need to be careful when fighting this bandit Vera.

She is someone who no doubt is going to do whatever is needed to be the one as the victor.

Not only that, they leave Chase barely alive with all those wounds. Amazingly, he is even still alive, to begin with.

No simple living being should be able to live through that, but not him as he was fighting to keep death from touching the life burning within.

Allyson wouldn't be able to give it her all if she got to keep worrying about Chase.

Lucky as it is, there was another who came at the best of times.

"Good you male there help him."

Who she was talking to was Buster the other person to escape, it seemed he was able to get away from the other female bandit or dealt with like Allyson way.

Buster said no words and ran to Chase's side picking him up to lean on this guy's body.

"Alright now you two just get out of here right away and head to the town that is not too far off to reach the treatment of the need fast."

"Sure you got it, I'll get it done."

As Buster was about to take a step in getting away Chase stops him from doing so.

"I am not going anywhere… I will stay here… I just need some rest and I will be better again."

"What are you saying? Are you blind to what you look at right about now? Those wounds need care."

"If I can still talk like this then it isn't so bad you hear me."

"How cute it is to see two young couples fight, but that is not the best time to be doing that since there is a fight going on here."

Chase and Allyson both at the same time look at Vera with a piss-off expression.

"We're not a couple!."