Ch 34: To help and to die

Vera gets taken back when Chase and Allyson both yell at her as if she has said something wrong to make them mad.

"Right it doesn't matter to me what the relationship between you two is, I'm just going to focus on just killing all of you."

She starts to speak the words just like before when Chase saw and he had to warn Allyson about it.

"Oh shit Allyson, she 's trying to do that thing again which somehow makes her disappear."

"You fool can't you see her using a buff magic to increase speed not to make her disappear."

"Hey shouldn't lose focus right now, but I think that isn't going to matter when I thrust this sword into your heart."

Vera disappeared the same as before making the aim to strike and kill Allyson in this one attack.

The great reflex girl made it possible for herself to dodge just in time.

Yet there wasn't going to be another chance for that to be repeated when Vera attacked again successfully this time to thrust into the back side of Allyson as the blade of go through to the other side.

It didn't stay there for long when it was pulled right away to be placed into another part of Allyson's body.

Vera thought at first until the girl's sword met with her own, blocking it from touching Allyson again.

"Alright, I see that you can keep up, but would that be able to last for long."

"Long enough for you to run out of time as I am sure it has a time limit to go on."

"Smart girl, to notice that as it is true what I just use doesn't go on for long, about a short few minutes. I have to make sure that before the time is up that you're dead."

"Sorry, but I am going to be pretty much alive in the end bitch."

Vera shows a smile right before she uses that boost speed to go away as Allyson's high guard had to be ready for what to come soon.

At the time Buster brings Chase to lean against a tree as the two of them could do nothing at this point.

"Damn it, I got to help her in this fight."

"Are you seeking to die a quick death? Could you not feel and see how you are now?"

"I don't care, I just need a little rest and then I am good to get back in the game."

"I do not understand why they go through this for a female. They care not about us males, what makes this one special."

"Special has nothing to do with this. I am just a guy who just doesn't like to stand by and let someone else deal with a problem which needs another extra hand."

Buster couldn't believe this young man's spirit of willingness to aid the girl named Allyson even with the life-threatening wounds all over his body.

Someone like him makes a man like himself want to fight as well and not just escape with his life at this moment.

"Do not risk your life, my friend, I will help in your stand."

Buster made his decision to instead help out and fight too.

"Will you know then I leave it up to you."

Hearing that the man starts to charge straight toward while Allyson and Vera are fighting each time the blades of the swords clash and other the girl has cuts appear on her body like Chase.

Of course, the leader of the bandits notices that guy coming over and sees a nice target to kill, better than the one she is dealing with right now.

Allyson notices Vera take a quick away from her and the male name Buster who was mad to come this way.

"No, wait!." It was too late she was gone.

No doubt to harm the man who soon comes to feel the blade of the sound slash downward across spilling out blood to the ground.

Vera was having fun for about a second which lasted till surprising. Buster still could fight as he went to grab her before escaping.

Wrapping both arms around the back forcing her to stick against Buster's chest while keeping from moving.

"What the hell! Let go of me now."

"I won't…. Even if I am to die… I at least want my death to help bring your whore. Now kill her while I still have a hold."

Allyson sees what he is doing and tries to think of a way to only hurt Vera, but there is no other way than to thrust the sword into the heart.

Yet with the power of the thrust, it is going to also go into Buster and there is no way to know if he will live through it.

"Alright if this is how you want to do this then you have gratitude for it."

Allyson charges forward and has the sword ready to do its job in killing Vera.

She understood that her life was in danger if nothing was to be done immediately before death was to come.

"Fuck no, I didn't work so hard to get where I am in to die like this."

Vera would do anything to stay alive and to get out of this she uses her head to smash against Buster's face.

Not just one, but a few more times where the guy couldn't be able to keep her trapped this way when under attack like this.

Unfortunately, he let go while Allyson couldn't stop herself from charging to keep the sword from piercing into Buster's chest that was aiming to go into the back where it was supposed to hit the heart.

She works right away to remove it fast only if given the time to do so when not going to be attacked by the enemy.

Lucky Buster uses his strength to push Allyson back hard in time to save the girl from the sword coming.

Vera was not pleased by this male action and anger, removing the head from the body in one fast motion.

"No!." At the same time, Allyson and Chase say as the two witnessed Buster's death with their own eyes.

Slowly the body fell to the ground to release the blood spilling all out from it.

"That's what you get for getting in the way bastard."

Vera steps on the head on the ground spitting on it then afterward kicking the thing to fly away somewhere in this area they are in.

"That was fun for me even if the guy gave me some trouble."

Allyson's sword was taken out of Buster's body now in her hand of Vera.

"So where were we? Ah yes our fight, but can that be called that anymore since I now hold your weapon which you don't have anymore."

Allyson dislikes the position she is in now, no longer holding a weapon this girl needs to think of a way to turn this over quickly.

"I do have to say you did beat the time as I lost the boost to my speed yet that won't mean a thing where I am still going to kill you."

Vera starts to run straight at her with both swords in hand.

"I am the victor in the end girl."