Ch 62: I'm set free

Chase had awakened quickly the expected after receiving that direct punch to the face sending him into the wall of the building with the head slamming hard into it and hearing that blood came from the back of that head no doubt there to be a serious head wound created at that moment.

Now he is just sitting on the street's ground chuckling a little, which made those around feel a bit uneasy.

"Damn how long it's been since the last time I was set free, it's been long I tell you."

"What the fuck are you talking about."

Ella was of course confused by what he was saying just like the boss and Adeline.

"Oh you couldn't understand, it would be a pain in my ass to explain it to you and that is not something I want to do when I'm let out."

Chase reached behind to touch the wound on the back of the head for a few seconds then brought that hand back to the front to take a good look at the blood on it.