Ch 63: They will see him as a threat

{Allyson riding horseback to town Pov}

Come on, I need this poor horse to speed up a little more than usual if I'm to make it back to the town of Merton passing by these trees, keeping focused so as not to crash into one when in a hurry.

They will need to know about the army striking tomorrow or at the least tonight if they have the chance to prepare themselves for the upcoming attack to come.

It's funny that the night sky looks beautiful tonight. It's pretty that these dark clouds are about to take that away, looking to be a storm this night is about to have.

A sigh if this is to be one along with this unsudden gut feeling like something not right is about to happen and it worries me even more that not knowing is a pain in my ass.

What could it be Heather with what she is doing right now entering the army mostly alone and anything could go wrong if not played right.