Chapter 1 -- Motive behind My life .........

I am a normal weaponsmith in my own shop whose name is "Trigger Outlaws" since centuries our family are engaged in this business and the circumstances I am in , there is no choice for me but to do the same....

Well to begin with it's all started when not just my grandparents but also their grandparents have been got stuck in a crises that they never done and I also believe that ,they never thought that the price of their honestly and good deeds will cause this much ...for there own future pedigree.....

In year 1857, December; 30

The last day for saying good bye to year 1857...

My grand father told me that the story ""begin and end on the same phase "" he told me many things and share several thoughts with my father but he is never satisfied with my father low IQ.....

And that's one of the reason that he make notes of everything thing in detail so that one day one of its future born will understand his thoughts.

My father also told me that my great great.... grandfather left behind this book as his legacy which is only own by us ( The Supul)

And his last words are ------

Lvrp. Re...reperio ....oc..ocen.

I did not understand any of its meaning but still these words seems mysterious and creepy....

Well why should I even care about this, it's not like my grand grandparents and their grandparents are some what high ranking Nobel's in this empire.....

"Hey you idiot" ,I am asking this 4th time is this the prestigious weapons shop. (Customer)/C

Oh! sh*t . Yes my lord how can I help you. (weaponsmith)

Bring the most Cheapest but good in use weapons. ( C)

Sir I am sorry but, there is no cheap guns and weapons here it's a prestigious weapon shop you need....*punch*

Before the owner of the shop finish his words their is a rough mark of a punch on his face by the thug *Ahm Ahm*

By the customer.

Punk like you dare to neglect my words you know who I am...*. PUNCH*

This time before this big thug complete his earnings full of swearing words he is defeated by a punch but the punch is not by the "Smith/Supul " but his old friend * Larry *who is a bread Baker* .

When the Supul saw his friend he went ahead and hug him like always. It's not the only thing that their hugging gesture looks really cool but it's also represents that they are truly best friends.

So....who is that cockroach.

Cockroach? Oh ! You mean the customer..

If not him ,Who else.

Larry has a bad habit of insulting other by giving them his personal made *insects and animals names*

I guess I told you before not to mock people like that.... (S)

I agreed but won't i told you before that I only gave my pretty names to those who are worthy. Imago.


(S) inside his mind *****Ha worthy you say well it's just only for you and first of all ,who say that these names are prettier. But if I told you that ,you will just going to neglect my words so ....I will just going to pretend that I don't hear anything.***

Smith/Supul is a very self centred person he just mind his own business he never interested in talking bad about any one else and of all behind their back.....he just hate this sort of stuff...and he has very high Morales over his self estimates like -------- he has OCD {it's a disease in which a person cannot tolerate any kind of dust near him, and unmanaged things like messy bed , unorganised furniture, unsuited clothes, bad colour combination.)

So basically they got irritated over anything which is not according to them...but he doesn't want to ruined his childhood friendship over his unique habits so most of the time he neglect Larry's words....

Larry is well aware about his friend disease but he like to tease his friend over everything cause it's like a way for him to pass or lift his mood due to his own problems....

Larry what are you doing here? (S)

Well approximately.... Nothing ( in enthusiasm ) {L}

Now Supul start getting pissed off about his behaviour and his messy appearance. Although it's not like that Larry is a smut rather than that he has a clean and bold personality which seems to attract more attention towards him which he didn't like much, so he never dress himself wisely but now it's become one of his main source to vex his best friend...

Who are you looking at with such seductive eyes hmmm. (L ask)

Get lost .... (S)

Where?... (L)

Just out of my sight idiot....

What if I dont want to.....

Then I will send you to *Hell* directly so that you can't be able to come back.

At the very least *Hell* is better than a place beside a *noob in swardmanship*

You want to test my patience .

Nope ! I want to rip your """pe*nuts""""

...????? (s

At that moment their is a heavy silence not only on the faces of the costumes but also on the shop owner and the only person who is enthusiasm in this situation was Larry...

Ho! ho...

The silence inside the shop room was broken by Mrs Cassie who is an estimated Nobel of the empire and held the title of a "Count "

Let me warn you this lady just seems old only in appearance .she is a cunning fox of the""" True pedigree***


This newspaper is only owned by high ranking Nobel's to openly mock and humiliates commoners and aristocrats it's their own ways of looking down on them...

Though Larry and Supul both of them are commoners they both have good physique and attractive appearance which is enough and easy to seduce any Nobel lady from a prestigious house hold...

"Larry my boy and Supul my heart " how have you been .As you know how much i cared about both of you .... any of you never came to visit me once inside my villa .....