2nd chapter -- The End of The Past.....

Mrs Countess "How can I help you." (S)

My my! their is no need for you to use horrific when you are talking to me Supul. (C)

(countess always use surname rather than original name of a person who is low in status than her so she can brag about her Nobel status and high authorities as compare to some random commoners )

*Ofcourse * Mrs cocky (Larry)

Ahm Ahm..... (Supul)

I mean Mrs Cassie I am really pleased by talking casually to you . You know it's not my style to call a person with horrific and when that High status is only owned by him or her partially.... (Larry/L ). ( In scoffed manner)

Well Larry is trying to bring up the topic about ""not The countess Cassie".But Mistress Cassie "" silently which is a method highly used in *high societies* by not saying anything directly to the individual rather than that they hide bad intentions behind their sharp and clever words rapping them in their good expressions because they are not allowed to show their expression and feeling directly so this method is occassionally common...for them to show their hostility.

Everyone thought that it's Larry playful method to tease countess like he tease everyone else but only Supul did know about that these are not shallow words but they have their own meaning for Larry, countess and to Supul too.

Larry words means that -- before becoming a countess *Cassie * who is a low class aristocratsd

:::::::::::::::::::::::: Starting of Flashback:::::::::::::::::::::::::

Cassie desire is to become powerful by any means ,so she decided to gave a marriage proposal to The Count for being her mistress, but the count don't hesitate to denied it ,the reason is simple he loves his wife so much so why should he accept a person to become his mistress.....

Cassie thought sooner or later Count's wife Jessica (who is a beautiful and lovely lady, pride of the count and belongs to a Baron house hold The perfect Countess for all ) will die and than

He has to find a new lady cause the seat of countess wheather he like it or not will definitely not remain vacant for his deceased wife (who is going to die) hahahahaha....

After that their is a news that countess Jessica is suddenly become so unhealthy and caught up in a untreated disease and than there is another News that not a single week passed by , after his wife's funeral but The Count is already married with his Mistress( Cassie) ,after having an affair for two great years .People also say that the main cause of his wife (The deceased Countess/Jessica disease is a cause of her own husband( The Count) - due to increase in her tension and stress, unstable mental health and what most her husband who is having a secret affair with a aristocrat women only in name..... Cassie...

:::::::::::::::::::::End of Flashback::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

After hearing what Larry said to Cassie (current countess) Cassie forgot how to react sane (cause the Flashback of her bad deeds came to mind in just a blink of an eye to her.) Because how perfect she acts as a Nobel in the End she couldn't be able to hide the fact that it doesn't matter she is just a substitute in replacement of the previous countess... cause in her mind she already accepted that she is a countess from a prestigious house hold not a country side bumpkin .She just loathing... the fact to be called *low*... which stains her dignity...

At Larry questioning remarks Countess face turned pale and hard like an ice...so she tried to manipulate the question...by saying.

Larry !

Yes Mrs Cassie~~~

Who gave you permission to talk casually to me?

Well it's you Mrs Countess.....

Than I will take it back.

Oh! Ok.... I guess it's easy for high ranking Nobel's to take back on their words so easily .....that's why I never believe in them....

At Larry pretty bold words the commoner and aristocrat inside the shop saw countess as an eyesore.. They all are agreed to one another about the fact that Nobel's never supported on their side and always took away what they owned by false and shallow promise...

True true!


That's right.....

At this whole seen Supul gave a sign to Larry for stopping this mess that he glanced through his eyes but what Larry replies on Supul remark is a small but clear *smirk* (which means The show is yet to began) and ask Countess several suspicious questions one by one.....

1. And *Mrs Countess Cassie* what are you doing in a weapon shop? Like it's a filthy place would not Nobel like you disgust in comming shops like this...

2. A Countess like you without any guards ?and in a weapons shop where only men's came occassionally.... hardly any women are seen here but you came without any hesitation...

3. If there is any weapon that you like I will bet Count has much precious And legislative ones in his Family loom than what is the main reason behind that The Countess a Nobel of this great Empire to came with by her own two legs to take that weapon by herself.....

Countess lost all her words to mock Larry ,so she began her threats against Larry to stop all this right now....

(Whisper) Do you know who I am.....I will make you miserable so stop all this commotion right now otherwise you will regret the day you have been born... (Countess ina devasted face)

What commotion? It's all your leftover I am just cleaning it up in your instead.. (Larry in a smirk)

Now the croud who is still for a while begin to roar about Larry exact and true remark .... after thinking for a while .....they all agreed over his suspicious questions..

Supul stay silent all this time but at Larry questions the croud inside his shop increases as time passes by (like a fish market citizen are chit -chating and summits their opinions to each other about the countess) and there is a big commotion now....

Nor did he had a problem with Larry's arrogant behaviour towards countess (rather than that he is in full support on his bestfriend side) Neither he has any interest in stopping Larry insulted gestured remark towards countess ...

.....But what annoyed him the most is that this whole commotion held in his shop....if this situation is happening on the streets so he will even provided refreshments to the commoners around. So he tried to stop all this ,In a simple and most reliable way...

Oh Shoot! It's already 4'o clock every one leave the shop is closed .

But... ( Commoners)

RIGHT now... (In fiercely Tone). (Supul)

In just five minutes every one went back to their own work and the shop became empty....

Mr Larry.....Oh! My I forgot you don't have any surname ...what a .. ( Countess)

Everyone is gone but it's seems like Countess is still angry over Larry's rude words towards her So she again try to insult Larry ( like the last one is not enough for her) anyway but Supul stopped her by saying that the time is already finish for her and after causing such commotion infront of the crowd her existence is just an annoyance for not only Supul but for Larry too.

Mrs Countess the shop is already closed you may leave. (Supul)