Chapter Twenty One: Weapon Hall

The weapon hall was already crowded with lots of students. It seems like majority of all the students prefer using weapons than their abilities. Or it might be that they saw something interesting in that hall.

Xin, Xinny and Chris had entered the hall and in front of all the students was a middle aged man whose beard are pure grey but his hair was black. Perhaps he dyed his hair? That was all the student could conclude at.

This man doesn't look old at all and it was still a surprise that he had already started growing grey hairs that was limited only to his beard.

After some seconds, the strange teacher cleared his throat as he stood up from where he was once seated. In his hand was a metal staff that looks quite magical to the students. From the day that the students has been attending this class, none of them had ever seen a weapon in the teacher's hand other than the staff that he carries around with him.

If he spars with any of the students, he would only use his staff and would still win the fight. Many students heard about this and their curiosity to see the weapon teacher who uses only a staff to fight, made them stream the weapon hall everyday to witness if it was true.

"Good Morning students," The teacher said with a smile. "I welcome you all to the weapon hall once again. And for those who are just coming to this class for the first time, my name is Oscar."

For a moment, there were murmurings among the students as they had heard the name Oscar before but where unsure if the Oscar they knew was the same as this Oscar.

After the noise died down, Oscar continued;

"Today, we are learning the basics of attack while using weapons." Oscar pointed his staff in a fighting position as he imagined an opponent in front of himself. "First, you must not be scared of the opponent in front of you. Fear would make you make mistakes. Fear would disassemble the pride you once have. Fear would break the courage you have in yourself."

"Secondly, you must find what your opponent's weakness is. Without a weakness, you can't succeed against him or her. Even if your opponent is a strong person above level seven, once you determine his weakness, you would surely win the fight against him." Oscar explained.

"Another thing is that,... You should first practice those two things I first said, then I'll tell you the next step in the next class." Oscar said before pointing towards an area where all types of weapon were. "Pick a weapon that suits your fighting style and then, find someone to spar with. If you don't have anyone to spar with, signify by raising your hands."

Xin and Xinny had hurriedly went towards the weaponry spot. Xin started scheming through all the swords available but none of it was like the ones he uses to fight in Erica Kingdom. They were sharp, magical like and attractive to ones eyes, that even if you don't want to fight with swords, you would be tempted to hold the sword.

But there was one thing going on in Xin's mind, the video he watched yesterday said that his family came from this world. But where exactly is their base in this world? They must be famous in this world but who would he ask.

' I will ask Xinny later, she might know something about my family.' Xin concluded before finally picking kitana blades.

But as he moved forward, his eyes suddenly caught something. And as he turned his head towards the place, he saw it, it was a sword... but a blunt sword.

What? a blunt sword? is that what caught his interest? Capital NO! Something feels strange as he set his eyes on it. It looks as if he had seen it somewhere before, maybe in some of the books that he had read, but he was unsure. It looks magical and attractive just like the swords he use in his kingdom.

Oscar saw him from a distance and noticed that he was staring at the blunt sword that was on the wall.

' Is he trying to use that sword?' Oscar thought. And the more he saw the boy's gaze upon the sword, the more he got interested in the boy.

Xin was about to pick the sword that Chris suddenly stopped his hands and stared at him with a scorn.

"Don't tell me that you're going to fight me with that blunt sword?" Chris said with a frown. "Come on, your sword is okay. Everyone has picked a partner, let's spar."

Chris dragged Xin away from the sword and Oscar, who had seen the whole drama, heaved a sigh of relief. "I thought another incident is going to happen again this year, but thank God it's not." Oscar said within himself before standing up to address the students.

"Are you all ready?!" Oscar asked and the students all replied yes. "And let the fight begin!"

As soon as Oscar announced the beginning of the fight, each students had started fighting as best as they can with their swords. And while they were all fighting, Oscar made sure not to keep Xin out of his sight.

"There's something strange about him." Oscar said, stomping his staff on the ground.