Chapter Twenty two: Chris defeated?

"This is our first fight together, we still have one more fight left, so make sure to fight well." Chris said and Xin humbly nodded.

It didn't take long for the two of them to clash onto each other. Both of the students swords clanged onto each other but none was weakened by the other. Xin had with him two kitana blades while Chris, who hasn't selected any other sword used his own long sword.

Xin was able to withstand Chris's enormity strength due to the Mana that he had but it was clear that Chris's Mana was a lot than his. Normally, beasts have lots of Mana compared to humans and Xin as a superhuman, has more Mana than normal humans of his age would have.

Xin remembered how much his father had taught him when fighting with swords and he's trying to adapt the training he once received into the fight that he's having right now. He knew a lot of skills and tricks he could use to win this match quickly, but he want the fight to go on a little bit. So he kept on defending instead of attacking.

He would defend every of Chris's attack and when he's worn out, he would start attacking then.

As planned, Xin kept on defending Chris's attack and even though, Chris doesn't seem to stop as he didn't feel like he's going to get tired at any time. In fact, it was like his Mana was increasing the more he was attacking, slamming his longsword against Xin's kitana blades.

"Is this all you got?!" Xin tried to provoke him so he would unleash all his anger and get tired of attacking, but unfortunately, Chris doesn't seem to tire out. So Xin decided to change mode.

"Attack mode." Xin said as he dodge Chris's oncoming blow, spin his body and got behind Chris's back before landing a hit of his sword's handle on Chris's back. But he knew that wasn't enough to stop someone with a large amount of Mana, so he resulted on slashing Chris's back with his sword. Blood squirted out of Chris's back as he fell on one knee. He smiled towards Xin and shook his head.

"You defeated me in this round." Chris smiled. He stood up from where he was kneeling and bowed down to Xin.

Two teachers with healing ability had started making their way towards Chris and Xinny who had saw the last strike from Xin, had stopped fighting as she started running to Chris's side. She actually wasn't focusing on her fight as her mind was only on the fight between Chris and Xin. She had even hurt herself by getting slain on the arm by her female opponent. She ignored her own pain and went for Chris.

Chris's back had already heal before the teachers could heal him, so there wasn't much they could do other than to place their hands on his back for advance healing.

"Chris, are you okay? You were injured, are you in pain? Let me see your back." Xinny requested bit Chris momentarily stood up and smiled at Xinny. "It's okay Xinny. I'm fine. Your brother had just won the first round, we should proceed to the next and last round." Chris replied.

"I'm glad you're fine now, that's a relief." Xinny said as she smiled back, but as she turned to look at Xin, she frowned and started hitting him.

"You! Why do you have to injure him with your sword, what if he died? What if something bad had happened. You are an idiot!" Xinny kept on hitting Xin.

"What's wrong with you, I didn't do anything wrong. We were just fighting." Xin flashed back as he held Xinny's hand mid air. Lots of the students had stopped fighting as they stared at the dramatic Xin and Xinny.

Those who had been at the canteen with Xin previously had also started gossiping on what had happened between him and Megalon.

Oscar was about to interfere but Chris had ultimately went to address Xinny to stop. "Xinny, why don't we do this somewhere else, people are watching you go mad at your twin brother because of me. What do you think they'll be thinking about you." Chris said softly into Xinny's ear and Xinny noticing everyone's gaze on her, hurriedly followed after Chris as they exited the weapon hall. Xin also left the weapon hall as he feel so mad at Xinny for her discriminating behavior.

' Why is this happening to me!' Xin said with anger.

' That's the punishment you're receiving for not saving her.' The A1 system said, almost laughing. Xin could hear laughing in the A1's voice.

' So you're mocking me then?' Xin said angrily as he got out of the weapon hall. Unknown that someone had followed after him.

Xin could see Xinny cuddled around Chris's arm, her wounds has been attended to by some healing ability teachers who were walking by. It was when Xinny followed after Chris and he had want to hold her hands that he noticed the wound on Xinny's arm.

Luckily, some healers were walking by, so they had healed Xinny's wounds in a second. It was always their duty to go around the school like soldiers in case there are any casualties from any students and are unable to get to the clinic bay.

They would have installed a CCTV camera in the school, but the parents of each students went against it and told them to give their students their own sense of respect and privacy. The wealthy ones had even said that installation of these cameras would make people to know their family secrets and it might be used against them in the future. So they ruled out the option of installing cameras in the school.

"Are you ready for the next round Xin? I won't be taking it easy with you this time around." Chris said with a smirk on his face

"No problem, so where are we going next?" Xin asked.

"That hall." Chris pointed.