"ISN'T THIS WONDERFUL? The two of us out on a quest?"

Marsil glanced to his side at the voice. Esabel's pretty face met him with a grin, and he wondered why he had ever said yes to her request to accompany him on his mission. She didn't yet know why he sought the map though. When he didn't answer, she called across to him.


"Just keep still, Esabel. We are near to the place."

The princess trudged across from him on another horse. His was a hulking black Clydesdale breeded for war. Hers was a chestnut mare, of reduced size as compared to his stallion.

After he had agreed to let her join him, Esabel had given him the brief history of where they were headed.

The Vale of Wails.

She'd said it was the greatest Athenaeum in all the summerlands, with books as far wide as the mind could imagine. The library was built in a shallow valley a good distance from Calipsos, and was named the Vale of Wails for the shrill noises that could be heard in the night coming from the light forest around the valley.

"I'm just saying," Esabel continued. "Brother and sister on an adventure seems pretty cool. I'm just happy the twins didn't follow else they would ruin our—"

She went silent when Marsil abruptly stopped his horse. She plucked at the reins of her mare and the animal halted too. She looked to her brother, then followed his eyes to a large strip of land before them. It went out four yards before it deepened to a wide crater. There in the centre of the earth hole was a colossal structure, made entirely of Blackstone.

The Vale of Wails...

Staring at the dark fortress in its centre, Esabel immediately knew where it had gotten its name. A thick copse of tall, dry trees surrounded the Vale in a crescent shape with smoky mist rising up from the moist ground of the area up to the leafless branches.

The place was quiet and eerie, different from the vibrant spring colors back at the golden capital of Calipsos. She didn't know who had given the place it's name but it matched the gloomy weather of the Vale. However, she wondered why the past kings of Syveria chose to build an Athenaeum in the middle of a valley surrounded by dense woodland.

The place seemed to effect its own weather, like a sentient earth.

"I guess this is it?"

Marsil didn't reply. His gaze was fully focused on the blackstone monstrosity ahead.

"Hey!" Esabel called and he turned to her. "I know this is your element..." she said, gesturing at the somber Goth-style library ahead, and meaning the dark aura of the place. "...but it isn't mine. I think we should've brought some guards. Why don't we send message back to the capital and..."

"No," the Dark Prince replied. "...we didn't tell father for a reason."

Esabel was quick to respond.

"Yeah, we also didn't know the place would be so creepy."

"I did," Marsil growled. After a while, he added, "you should go back home. I told you not to come."

"No," she said immediately, shifting on her horse. "I'm fine. It's just jarring a bit, I think. Besides, I know you will protect me," she smirked. "Won't you? I mean I'm with the greatest swordsman in Syveria. The very legend himself. The—"

"Fine, I will protect you. Is that what you want me to say?"

Esabel blushed at this, her lips spread wide in a grin. She loved when she riled him up. He was always unsmiling but the few times he did brought her so much joy she couldn't wait to see him smile again. Marsil was a brooding hunk of male beauty.

"Thank you. I just wanted to hear you say that even though I'm totally capable of protecting myself. However, I'm sure I will be safe in your arms."

Her blue eyes held Marsil and a silence ensued. There was risqué to her words and it wasn't lost on the Prince. Her eyes turned darker, the way it did when...

Marsil quickly averted his gaze.

"We should move on. Nightfall is close."

He jerked his reins and the stallion moved into a slow trot. Esabel watched him ride away, pushing his horse down the ridge into the valley. She knew he was holding back. He didn't want to accept what was right there before them both.

Between them...

He didn't want to accept that he felt desire around her.

Marsil had honor. She knew he did and she loved it, but there was a fine line between duty and pleasure. She was becoming increasingly addicted to him. To his silver eyes and beautiful form. Her gaze levelled on his departing back and she smiled. Clad in his dark tunic and pale-blonde hair, her vampire brother was in his element.

A Bloodchild; Spawn of the Night. All around him was mist, dry trees and marshy earth.

Pushing aside her thoughts, she followed after him.