THE DARK PRINCE AND HIS SISTER reached the front doors of the Athenaeum just as the sun disappeared down the horizon. They had to be back at the capital soon before their father began to worry, as they hadn't told him of their trip out of the protected walls of Calipsos.

Marsil halted his horse by the huge doors made of scraped blackstone that ascended thirty feet into the air. Esabel couldn't stop sending her eyes all around her. He could tell she was scared. Any normal human would be. But he wasn't normal. Neither was he human.

The mist rising from the earth had spread out from beyond the Woods and now creeped its way across the black earth down to the Vale.

The sun was winked out in the sky and the twilight painted the world purple and gray. A few black crows were balanced on the dry branches of the trees that now resembled the gnarled hands of a demon. The Vale of Wails had become terrifying.

As if on cue, a shrill piercing sound erupted from the Woods in the distance and the princess jerked on her horse. The beasts also seemed uneasy as they stood on the earth. The fog rose high, washing the land with a ghostly halo and Esabel's horse gruntled under her. Marsil however sat unperturbed on his stallion. Esabel reluctantly peeled her eyes away from the encroaching mist, turning to the man beside her.

"Brother, aren't you scared? I don't think we should be here. This place does not bode well. Look at all the crows. The cold seeps into my skin like pinpricks of ice. Infact, I don't think we should be here at all..."

"Calm yourself, Esabel," Marsil said to her. "As long as I'm here, you have nothing to fear."

He held her eyes for a moment before he moved his horse close to the doors. There was no latch to pull it open. The door was black and wide with no handle whatsoever.

"What now?" Esabel groaned from beside him, glancing back behind them with wide eyes every now and then.

Marsil hated these little movements. He was a vampire and could smell her fear which wasn't good. The fear swirled with her blood, making her scent stand out. He could feel his fangs elongate and nick his gums but not once did he let his dark side get the better of him. All he knew was that he needed to find a way to get them both into the library.

Staying out at this time was no good, especially with the enveloping darkness. He was a creature of the night and a very real human was by his side. There was only so far down he could push the demon within.

Making up his mind, the Dark Prince withdrew his mask from the confines of his dark cloak. The silver surface gleamed in the night as he climbed off his horse. With a simple movement, he covered his face and walked to the door.

"Hello!" he called.

His deep voice echoed round the entire valley and from the corner of his eyes, he saw Esabel shiver on her horse. Marsil gritted his teeth. This was why he'd told her not to come. Granted, the place was now well dark and chilly, but cold didn't much affect him. But the princess however, with her gown and garters and plush leather slippers, she was naked to the whipping cold that had somehow materialized out of nowhere.

He could see the blood rushing and sloshing in her veins and his fangs whipped out in need. He began to hear the pounding of her heart and quickly looked away from her form back to the black door before him. Lifting his hand, he touched his fingers to the metal.

The stone was cold under his fingertips. Cold as ice. It was like they weren't even in the summerlands anymore, and Marsil noticed he loved it. He loved the cold, and mist, and darkness. It was like an instinctual feeling which made him wonder if it was more than just a mere feeling, but his heart telling him where he belonged.

He was about to push on the door when he heard a loud grating sound come from within.

"Remain on your horse," he called behind to Esabel. She nodded to him as the grating sound grew louder.

He heard a slight crack, then the door began to shift. It made further rumbling noises at it slowly began to slide open. More mist arose from the opening door, like the fanning of smoke from a great flame, and Marsil gripped the hilt of his sword. The stone door slid all the way open and then the rising mist cleared.

Marsil squinted his eyes at the darkness.

All of sudden, a torch appeared in the blackness. Then the dark robes of a person. Marsil withdrew his sword as the person drew nearer. The sound of approaching feet echoed into the darkness around him and he grasped the hilt tight.

"Reveal yourself!" he boomed, his voice bouncing off the walls.

Two heartbeats later, a man cleared out of the shadows. He held the torch in his hands and his garment was a long cloak of complete black. He was thin and tall, with dark eyes that seemed glassy and wisened. His hair was a black wave that fell to his shoulders, gelled with merchant oil and sleek like the skin of an eel.

"Who are you?" Marsil asked, stretching out his sword hand.

The man walked a little closer then bowed to the waist at Marsil.

"Welcome! Your Grace. I am Olean Savaeros, Keeper of the Vale and Head Librarian of the Athenaeum."

The man hesitated for a moment and Marsil lowered his sword.

"You do not need to hide your identity here, Sire," Olean continued. "The Vale is a place of no judgement. A haven of lost souls."

"So that's why we hear the eerie wailing coming from the Woods." Marsil turned at the sound. It was Esabel, right by his side.

"I told you to stay on the horse," he growled at her. She gave him a cocky grin in reply. Marsil turned to face Olean once more.

"Yes, fair princess. The Vale houses the spirits of the Lost Ones..." When Esabel narrowed her eyes in confusion, he went on. "...those who haven't crossed over. Ghosts if you will."

"I seek passage into your walls, Keeper Savaeros." It was Marsil who'd spoken.

"I'm afraid, Your Grace. To enter into the Hall of Wails, you must reveal all." Olean gestured to his mask.

Marsil was unsure and turned to Esabel. She nodded at him and he lifted his hands to his face. He pulled off the silver mask and Olean smiled a little, showing immaculate teeth in contrast to his dark presence.

"The tales are true, Sire. I must say it's an honor to witness a Bloodchild." Marsil was shocked that the Keeper knew who he was but he only gave a small nod at the man.

"Very well, Graces. Come with me."

With that said, Keeper Olean Savaeros turned and walked back into the darkness. Marsil followed in. Esabel waited a moment, glancing around before she walked in too.