OLEAN SAVAEROS RAN THE DISTANCE to the naked girl in seconds. The map fell away in his grasp and he leaned down. Once he reached her, he covered his body over hers, blocking out Marsil's blade. He held her close, caressing her wet hair and rocking her slightly.

It was many moments later before anyone spoke. Marsil held his long Seer steel at arm's length but he was dumbfounded at the sight before him. Esabel was likewise confused at they both pondered the Keeper's words.

Had the man just called the changeling girl his daughter?

It was Esabel who finally broke the fallen silence.

"Excuse me. What the fuck is going on?"

Olean held the girl in his arms for a little longer before he turned around to face the Princess and her vampire brother. His dark eyes met with Marsil's outstretched hand still gripping firmly on his glinting silver sword.

"Your Grace, please lower your weapon. There is no danger here," Olean said. Marsil noted the Keeper's eyes were misty.

"Erm. I think there is..." Esabel fired, looking menacingly to the naked girl on the stone floors.

She turned around at Esabel's fiery voice and Marsil blanched. The girl's skin was pale as she lay slick with cold sweat in Olean's arms. Marsil noticed she was just about Esabel's age with a skin that almost rivalled his in paleness.

Another thing was that she was beautiful. Not the erotic sexiness of his sister but a milder, innocent glow that came from within. Like the form of a wind sprite.

Her citrine eyes levelled on Marsil and he quickly sheathed his sword. Looking to her, he peeled away his black trenchcoat from off his shoulders and walked to her. Olean held her in a resting position as Marsil kneeled before her.

The Vampire Prince kept his eyes rooted to her golden eyes as he draped his cloak over her naked form, carefully tugging it in place to cover her naked breasts. His colorless eyes held a silent apology.

Esabel watched the two men by the side of the girl. She disliked the fact that her brother completely ignored she was the one whose face almost got torn off and she glowered at his back.

"Hellooo! Someone want to explain what the hell is going on here?" she yelled at the group.

They all turned to her and Olean began, giving an explanation to the situation.

"Yes, Your Grace. I'm deeply sorry. This is my daughter, Nosferata..." he gestured at the teenage girl in his arms. Her eyes were piercing as she looked on him. Olean continued.

"... I sincerely apologize about the... altercation earlier—"

"Altercation?" The princess frowned with a sarcastic curl of her lips. "Your daughter damn near killed me."

Olean was quick to apologize once more, his head lowered.

"I'm deeply sorry, Your Grace. Nosferata is not used to people."

"What is she?" Esabel asked, looking over the silent amber-eyed beauty. "Is she a vampire? A demon? A Shade?"

Olean was about to reply when Marsil cut in, his voice deep and rich in the large moonlit chamber.

"She is a shape-shifter. A spider changeling."

The Keeper was shocked the Prince knew such things. He was about to ask how Marsil came to know of these things when Esabel interrupted with a glare pointed at her brother.

"And how dear brother do you know such things?"

A few moments of silence passed before Marsil lifted up his intelligent eyes, white as the moon above to his sister.

"I just know," he replied. "She needs rest. A hot bath should do?"

"How the hell do you know she needs cleaning?" Esabel fired from her position, hating the fact that Marsil seemed to already share a bond with the 'new girl'.

The Prince turned to the girl in question, looking down at her covered in his tunic before replying to his sister's question.

"I can't explain it. I just sense it in my heart." He looked to Olean. "This is what you meant when you said you had help around the Library."

The Keeper nodded.

"Nosferata is the only joy I have left in this world. Her company reminds me of her mother and I can't bear to lose her. I fear what would happen if the city were to discover what she truly is; which is why we remain in this vale, secluded from the outside world..."

He looked down tenderly at his daughter.

"...where she is free to roam around in her element. The dark climate of the Vale shadows her movements from any inquisitive eyes, and she also gets to play around with the Lost Ones..."

"Geez. That doesn't sound creepy at all," Esabel said. Another sarcastic comment.

Olean ignored her and turned to Marsil.

"Please, promise me Sire that her nature will remain a secret. If the Blue Cloaks were to find out about her, they would—"

"It's alright, Keeper," Marsil said, easing the man of his worry. "I swear by the Seventh Flame that no harm shall come to your daughter. Now, she must rest."

Keeper Olean Savaeros nodded, giving the Prince a small smile of gratitude. Then he lifted to his feet, bundling up Nosferata in his arms.

"The Night is well gone, Your Grace. You should remain for the few more hours until Dawn. I have a spare chamber for you and the Princess."

At the Keeper's words, Marsil looked up the chamber. From the high oval window, he could see the moon high and full in the sky, with soft shimmery plumes of light. It was about midnight. He moved his eyes back to Olean.

"I think a good night's rest would do us good. Thank you, Keeper Savaeros."

"No, thank you Sire," the man replied.

He carefully gripped his daughter tighter against his chest and walked out of the room. Marsil picked up the fallen map from the stone floors and followed also, leaving his glowering sister with no other choice but to join them.

While Nosferata soaked in a warm bath, the Keeper of the Vale showed the Prince and Princess of Syveria to their room. It was a delightsome chamber with quaint decor and a cozy atmosphere. There was just one slight demerit.

They had to share it.

Olean bowed and left the siblings to settle for the few hours until Dawn. The moment he disappeared down the dark passageway, Marsil was up and striding out of the room.

"Where are you going brother?" Esabel asked from behind him.

Marsil turned back to her and spied her leaning on the bed's edge. Her hands were flat on the cream sheets and she held a slight smile.

"Don't you need to rest too. Except you don't trust yourself around me?" she smiled coyly at the last statement.

Marsil didn't have time for her games and quickly replied in a gruff, authoritative voice.

"It's been a long night Esabel, and it's near sunrise. Rest while you can. Tomorrow, we journey back to the capital."

Without giving her a chance to say something else, he turned and left the room. Marsil paraded the long silent halls of the Athenaeum, lighting candles to dispel the shadows once more. It was in this venture that he found a staircase leading up the Library. He followed it and was stunned when he arrived at the very top of the stone mansion.

He could see the rugged rise of the golden Capital faraway and the woodland surrounding the valley lit by the silver light of Moon. A few eerie wails permeated the air but the Prince was now used to it. He was sure if he squinted enough, he would see the spirits of the Lost Ones leisurely strolling around in their own world.

To these ghosts, the Vale was their home.

Marsil settled himself down at the edge of the mansion's rooftop. He breathed in the cold night air and smelled all the scents around. Esabel was right. Darkness was his element. He supposed it came with being a vampire; creature of the night and all that. He was lost in his thoughts for a while when he felt a small presence come from behind.

Thinking it was Esabel, he didn't bother to look as the person settled close beside him on the edge. It was the small voice that had him turning to look.

"You're the gladiator, Silverheel," the voice said. It sounded foreign and Marsil glanced to his side.

He instantly met with huge amber eyes and his reply came as a one-worded whisper.


He noticed she looked human now, very different from the dark horror she'd been few moments ago. She smelled faintly of feminine bath oils and her thick black hair was curled up in single braid she wrapped in a twist. He noticed her hair had this glossy shine that made it always look wet. Their eyes were accessing each other in their own way when she spoke up again.

"Thank you."

Marsil narrowed his pale eyes on hers.

"For what?"

"Not killing me I guess," he smiled and she noticed his godly beauty. "...I've never seen a Bloodchild before. I've never seen anyone before," she added, slightly bashful.

Marsil's eyes were intent on her and she averted hers. She was quickly learning the Vampire Prince had a shocking brilliant gaze. The Prince kept silent and she continued, staring off into the waning night.

"My father never lets me go past the Vale's border. He says humans are not receptive of anyone of my kind... Of our kind," she added with a brief glance at him.

"All of my childhood was spent within these walls. Everything I've known and learned, I did it all hidden from the world, all because I'm not like them." At this, she made air quotes with her fingers.

"But all I want is to see the world. I want to see a place beyond the Vale of Wails. I want to hear the shrieks of children playing about and a see a Sun brighter than the dusky one we get here on the Vale. I want to see colors other than black. The spring colors, green colors, white flowers, red fields, thriving orchards, maybe even visit the Emerald sea. I want to feel the energy of summer..." she trailed off and looked to Marsil.

He was staring off into the night too.

"...I'm sorry I was rambling," she blushed. "I get that way with strangers. I'm still trying to tone it down and—"

"You don't need to be sorry," Marsil said. His voice was deeper as he turned to fully face her. "I understand what you mean. Everything your father said about the world is true. They hate what they cannot understand..."

Nosferata lowered her eyes but Marsil followed them until she peered back up at him. His silver eyes sparkled as he continued.

"...so fuck the world!"

Nosferata gasped and a smile broke on her face, spreading into a wide grin. Both their legs dangled off the roof's edge and her eyes shone like the sun into his like the moon.

Beyond, the faint purple lines of dawn had begun to lighten the darkness, dispelling the night, and Marsil turned to watch it. It was in staring into the beautiful sunrise that he made up his mind.

"How about you come with us?"

"What!" Nosferata exclaimed. "I can't. My father?"

"I'll talk to him."

"Your sister?"

"Don't bother."

"The w—world?" she stammered.

"Fuck the world!" Marsil replied and she smiled.

The first amber rays of the sun hit his face and the strands of his pale hair glowed in the light.

"You really want me to come with you to the Ivory Castle?" Nosferata asked.

Marsil nodded and she grinned harder.

"Well I suppose I'll need a new name then. I can't go around bearing Nosferata. They'll see right through the odd name. Any suggestions?" she asked.

Marsil looked to the rising sun, splashing him with golden light. The mild wind stirred his hair as he replied. His words had the girl beside him smiling all through the morning.

"How about Ferra?"