THE KEEPER OF THE VALE was dusting the books of the library when his daughter walked in with Marsil. The Princess, Esabel was by his side, a mug of steaming tea in her hands as she watched Olean go about his activities. She frowned a little when she spotted Marsil with Nosferata.

The sun had risen early and the massive library chamber was now well lit in golden rays. Olean climbed off the high ladder where he stood dusting and walked to his daughter.

"Morning, love," he said, looking her over. He then looked to the Prince.

"Greetings! Your Grace. I've made breakfast if you're not in a hurry to return back to the capital."

Marsil gave him a small smile.

"Thank you Keeper, but it won't be necessary. We will be leaving soon."

Nosferata turned to Marsil and he gave her a small nod. Esabel caught on this gesture and narrowed her eyes at the both of them. Olean was not far behind to notice this also and moved close to his daughter.

"Is there something wrong, Nosferata?"

The girl played with her hands and her father knew she was stalling. She always did so when she was nervous. He moved near and lifted his hands to her face.

"Tell me."

She looked up with pretty yellow eyes, finally meeting her father's gaze.

"I would like to leave the Vale with Marsil..."

Olean paled and dropped his hands.

"What!?!" Esabel fired from her position in front of the high aisles. "You can't be serious."

Olean moved away a few steps and paced the room.

"...I will be safe in the Ivory Castle, father," Nosferata went on, moving to reassure Olean. The man turned back after a while. His dark eyes were cloudy as he gazed on her.

"Is this what you want?"

"Yes, father."

The Keeper turned to the Prince. Fierce love for his daughter shone in his eyes as he looked on the younger man.

"Swear by the Seventh Flame Sire, that you would keep her safe."

Marsil knew the man was worried and moved close. He gripped both his shoulders firmly and gazed deep into his eyes.

"I swear oath to you by the Pantheon and the words of the Seventh Flame that no harm shall come to Nosferata. I know it's hard to let her go but look at her. She's a woman now..."

At the Prince's words, Olean looked to his daughter with teary eyes.

"...I promise to keep her safe." Marsil added.

It seemed no one was aware of Esabel standing awestruck behind the group. She couldn't believe her brother.

What the hell was he thinking?

She couldn't wait for them to be alone so she could rid him of this madness and bring him back to his senses. For now, she just watched everything unfold.

Olean Savaeros walked back to his daughter and leaned down, smiling warmly at her.

"You will need a new name, little one. I don't want anything that would give you away."

Nosferata flushed a little at her father's endearment title for her but immediately the young woman's eyes lit up in excitement.

"I've a few ideas, father. What do you think of Ferra? It's like a shortened version of the original."

"I like it," Olean said, grinning more. "It has a nice ring... Ferra Savaeros." He chuckled and his daughter blushed.

"It was the Prince's idea," she quipped and Olean turned to the young man in question.

"Lovely! Thank you, Your Grace. For this and everything else."

Marsil gave a humble nod and Esabel scowled behind. She hated that Marsil was getting close to 'Ferra'. The girl was practically stealing him away. She knew it wasn't right to be jealous of her. It wasn't like Marsil belonged to her. He made it pretty clear there would be nothing between them, but just watching him stand tall and so striking with his silver eyes, who would not want him...

The Keeper interrupted her untoward thoughts with his deep, raspy voice.

"Come now, Ferra. Let your poor father enjoy your company for a little while before you leave."

"Aww! Dad. I'll visit. I promise..." her voice trailed off as Olean walked with her out of the chamber to help her pack her things. Their cheery voices echoed down the hallway as they disappeared round a bend.

Marsil averted his eyes from their retreating backs with a smile. When he turned, Esabel was right in front of him, glowering with blue eyes like lightning streaks.

"Please tell me everything that just happened is a joke?"

Marsil didn't reply her and she went on, her pretty eyes full of fire.

"Are you seriously considering bringing her back with us to Calipsos? To the Castle?"

"I am not considering anything, Esabel. I've made up my mind. She will be coming with us."

Marsil gave his reply, his tone deep and devoid of any emotion, then moved to the high stacks of books. Esabel followed, trying to reason with his absurd statement.

"Brother, she is a changeling. What do you think will happen if the Blue Cloaks discover what she is? Even you in your great vampire strength cannot hope to face off an entire army of trained officers..."

As she spoke, Marsil leaned up to the shelves, searching for a leather purse to hold the map. He had gotten what he came to the Vale for. Now he only wished Esabel would stop plaguing him about his decision. He certainly knew he was not leaving Ferra abandoned in some dreary manor to spend all her days. Her nature sang to his.

Esabel became frustrated by Marsil's silence and screamed at him.

"She is a fucking SPIDER!"

The Vampire Prince calmly continued with his search. Once he found the purse, he neatly rolled the map into a scroll and pushed it into the small pocket. He slung the leather bag over his hips, making sure the map was secure in it. Then he turned to face the wrath of his beautiful sister.

She looked so fiery in her stance, her attractiveness even more appealing in her anger. Marsil knew it was because she cared for him and feared Ferra would take him away. But he also knew she was too brilliant to admit that before him so he walked slowly to her, approaching cautiously with a smile.

His handsome looks never ceased to have an effect on her and Esabel calmed down a little. Marsil walked until he stood directly before her. He towered over her and she had to tilt her head up to meet his pale gaze. Gently, the Prince stroked her shoulders.

Esabel suddenly felt tingly all over. It was the first time Marsil had touched her, and she struggled to focus on what he was saying.

"Yes, Ferra is shape-shifter but she is also human. I can't leave her to dwell all her days in this gloomy place. She wants to see the world. I am a Bloodchild, despised by the world and you care for me. I'm sure that given time you would grow to like Ferra too..."

Esabel abruptly hugged him and Marsil was stunned to silence. Gently, he lifted his hands and wrapped them around her, embracing her back. She moaned at his masculine strength and Marsil immediately dropped his hands.

He went rigid in her arms as she pulled away.

"By the gods! You smell so good," she said, running her palm over his broad chest.

She looked him over and her eyes lit with a different kind of fire. Marsil knew where this was going and cleared his throat. It seemed to jar the Princess out of her perusal.

"I'm—I'm sorry," she stuttered, her cheeks burning.

"We need to leave. I will prepare the horses. Meet me outside when Ferra is ready."

Without another word, he turned and walked away. Esabel spent her time staring at his gallant stride. The man walking away was all her need but he was also her brother.

But wasn't it in name only?

It was at this moment that Ferra walked out of an adjoining hall with a small travel bag slung over her shoulders. She hugged her father and they shared goodbyes. Then she covered the distance to the Princess.

Esabel noticed the girl was beautiful—about her age, and with pretty sunny eyes.

"Shall we? Your Grace."

"Esabel. I'm Esabel," the princess said.

She noticed Ferra blushed with a nod, and she wondered if she'd misread things between her and Marsil.

"...and yes, we shall," Esabel added.

They walked out of the dark halls of the Athenaeum to meet Marsil holding the horses. Ferra rode with him, with her father waving them away from the Blackstone mansion's top.

It was noon when they reached the massive gilden gates of Calipsos; capital of the Summerlands. As Marsil guided their horses past the guards, the Officers bowed, instantly recognizing his royalty.

The ones who didn't know him as the Prince certainly knew him as the Legend of Silverheel, and bowed also. Marsil ensured his silver mask was firmly in place throughout the entire way.

Their horses moved through the paved streets flowing with people everywhere. Some in expensive garments and some in loose calicos beckoning to passersby. The former were the wealthy merchants and Lords. The latter were the working girls of Bordellos.

Ferra Savaeros had eyes wide as saucers as she stared with awe at the brilliant sun shining down on the golden city. She had never seen so much people in her life. And they didn't know what she was.

She could see the impressive rise of the Ivory Castle in the distance and could no longer hold back her excitement.

"It's so beautiful!"

Both Esabel and Marsil smiled to her. The princess noted her brother was right. She was starting to like their new friend. However, when they neared the hulking palace guards guiding the gates, Esabel turned to her brother.

"What will you tell father?"

Marsil looked back to her from the dark hollows of his mask.

"Only the needful," he replied.