"WELCOME BACK, LORD SILVERHEEL!" The castle guards saluted, bowing their heads.

Marsil gave a small nod in reply, climbing off his horse. He held out his hands and Ferra took hold of them. At this sight, the shaven guards glanced at each other, wondering who the exquisite dark-haired lass was.

Ferra had never ridden on a horse before and was unsteady in climbing off the steed but the Prince's firm hands gripped her waist, hefting her down light as a feather.

She could feel the superhuman strength in his bones. A hefty guard moved to the Princess's side, and Esabel took his hand as she mounted down gracefully like a swan.

Esabel Pierran, at sixteen years of age was now already used to mounting and dismounting a horse.

The three of them then proceeded inside with Marsil leading. The head of the castle guards was a Knight of great stature; Ser Thrace Draco, a man with a leonine structure and a full brown beard. The Knight had questions about the new girl but sighting the Prince's firm mask, he knew to keep silent.

Minutes later, the royal children walked into the main courts of reception with Ferra, and the girl's eyes went wide.

At everywhere.

The Innards of the Ivory Castle was ripped in splendor. White walls ascending higher than great trees. Shined gilden and silver vases everywhere. The sweet scent of rosewood and juniper filling the air. Ferra's amber eyes were shiny with excitement at the expensive atmosphere.

"It's grander than even my best imaginations," she said into the red-carpeted lobby.

Esabel walked close to her and mouthed near her ear.

"It is."

The Keeper's daughter turned at the sound. Esabel's face was near to her face and she blushed at the Princess's pretty eyes. Esabel noticed this and narrowed her eyes. She'd only intended to make a comment not make the girl flush.

She quickly moved away to the side where her brother stood. Marsil looked down at her, his height evident.

"She fancies you," he said in a voice deep and clear. A statement.

"No, she does not!" Esabel denied, pink flushing her cheeks.

The Vampire Prince said nothing else but she knew it was true. She was growing to like Ferra, but she also feared the girl liked her 'more'.

The King appeared at that moment, thankfully pulling her out of her head; for she did not want to have to contemplate those thoughts.

The Syverian Sovereign was dressed in fine dark pants with a billowing regal robe flowing down to his ankles. His towering Kingsguards followed closely behind.

"Father!" Esabel exclaimed and started to him.

Arlon of House Pierran opened his arms to his daughter and she moved in, hugging him without a care to those watching. After a while, Arlon pulled away and peered down at her with a slight frown.

"I was worried. You didn't tell me you were leaving. While we may not have threats to the Crown, I am still very much a father."

Esabel lowered her eyes.

"I'm sorry, father. We had no record of time."

At her apology, the King smiled.

"It's alright. I'm glad you're fine. All of you..." His eyes moved to Marsil and the Prince walked to him, removing his silver mask in his steps.

Marsil wasn't one to do hugs or show any type of endearment so he remained rigid as he bowed to Arlon.

"Your Majesty!"

It was only a second before Arlon grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him in for a bear hug.

"Gods! Dear boy, sometimes you are too brooding for your own good," he joked.

Marsil only lifted a hand to deliver a light pat to Arlon's back before the King pulled away. His gaze moved behind to the beautiful teenage girl standing behind the Prince. His blue eyes moved back to Marsil in question and the Prince opened his mouth in explanation.

"Father, this is Ferra Savaeros."

"Your Majesty!" Ferra bowed. "You have a lovely home."

The King smiled at her intelligent words and was about to say something when Esabel cut in.

"Father, please don't mind Marsil. He does not know how to speak more than a few words..." Arlon chuckled and Marsil frowned as the Princess went on.

"We found this amber-eyed beauty during our stroll about the kingdom. Her father is Olean Savaeros. The—"

"The Keeper of the Vale?" Arlon interrupted.

His daughter nodded.

"You know him?"

"Yes, Olean and I used to study together. One day, he just stopped coming to the castle. The next thing I heard he was the Keeper. Olean is a bit weird but he is a good man."

Ferra smiled at the King's kind words.

"Thank you, Sire!"

"Please, I would accept no formality from Olean's daughter. Call me Arlon."

The girl gave a respectful nod and Arlon looked once more to his moon-eyed son.

"I wish her to live in the castle, father. If that's okay with you," Marsil said.

"Of course," the handsome sovereign replied.

He would never say no to his son's consent. Besides, Ferra was the daughter of his old friend.

"I have to tell your mother though. Her handmaiden, Irina has gone to fetch her and she would be here any moment now..." He looked to Ferra.

"...I hope you understand the Queen needs to be aware of your stay."

"Yes, Your Maj—Arlon..." she stuttered and the king laughed.

He was still grinning with his perfect immaculate teeth on display when Lorraine walked in. She looked so regal in her flowing silver gown and svelte figure as she walked across to them.

The Queen reached them and Esabel noted her mother had a shine to her.

She knew that shine...

It came from within. She had it whenever she pleasured herself while imagining her brother's lips on her—Marsil of course, not the twins. It was the glow of after-sex.

The Princess couldn't help but wonder how. Her father had been with them for minutes now. If he wasn't the one to cause such a glow, then who was?

Lorraine reached them and her thoughts vanished to the back of her mind. The Queen smiled at her husband who had an admiring look on his face. Then she looked to Marsil.

"You look well. How was your stroll?"

The Prince had told them it was a stroll around Calipsos and not a trip to the Library, but Lorraine was brilliant enough to know it wasn't. But she didn't bug him.

Marsil kept her secret. She kept his.

"It was fine, mother," he replied and they both shared a secret smile.

"You must be Olean's daughter?" Lorraine said, turning to the girl in question.

"You know her?" Esabel asked.

"No, darling. I recognize she has her father's glossy black hair and pale skin. What is your name?"

"I'm Ferra, Your Grace," she replied with a soft bow.

The Queen smiled at this. The girl was educated.

Lorraine knew her father was from the Iron Clans. The men weren't known to be studious but Olean Savaeros was an exception.

The man loved books. He hated the raidings and thievery of his people which made him hated among his clan. But he had found his place, deep in that dreary earth of the Vale.

Lorraine liked a learned man. He had taught his daughter well too, it seemed. She had the garish accent of her people marking her tongue but beyond that, Ferra had a composed mannerism and feminine etiquette.

She looked to her husband, then her daughter, then her adopted son. It was clear they were all waiting for her say.

Queen Lorraine Manderley-Pierran smiled at the young girl before her, giving her acceptance.

"It's nice to meet you, Ferra Savaeros. Welcome to royalty."