THREE SUMMER WEEKS had passed since Marsil's return from the Vale of Wails. The Vampire Prince had spent the time studying the map, scrutinizing every detail of the drawn Empire.

Wooden figurines held the cartography in place, dotted all along the main course, insomuch, that his study table resembled an altar for the deliberation of War.

The young beautiful Prince had searched the landmarks visible but he still could not find a place where the Wytcher could dwell without been seen. Syveria was a wealthy empire and thus, it's army was well paid to patrol all the lands. There was scarcely any place for a fugitive to hide—save the eastern borderlands of the Iron Clans.

It was like Gryther had just disappeared. In a way, he had.

Marsil now knew the way of Syveria by heart. He knew all the shipping ports, the northern villages near Eracuse, the fright of the Blood Woods, the borderlands of the Iron Clans. In summary, he knew the entire lay of the Summerlands.

Yet something didn't match.

Gryther was somewhere in the summerlands. He knew it. It was feeling. He could sense magic in the air. The presence of a sorcerer. The nature of winter calling to him.

But how to find him...

The weeks had been spent cooped up in his bedchamber. He left only during the early hours of the day, at sunrise for his morning exercises which he never missed. He had spotted Esabel more than once peering through her curtains as he performed pushups, situps, and lifted great weights in his hands.

His body was now well-defined, with slabs of rigid muscle. His silver hair was longer, falling past his ears to his nape, and he always brushed back the pale strands to a perfect arch.

Marsil had grown in beauty over the weeks and the handmaidens of the Castle always blushed in his presence, but the Dark Prince remained so—dark and brooding. The lustful eyes from many a Lady never seemed to affect him.

His sister on the other hand...

Esabel was the one woman who always made his blood rush. But the Prince's will was strong. He had all the honor and duty of a warrior, and no matter how many heated moments he shared with his sister, he made sure to always keep his hands to himself.

Ferra was now fully settled in the living quarters assigned to her. It was a 'chamber of luxury' as she put it. So was every room in the Ivory Castle.

The girl spent much time with Esabel, and Marsil was glad the two got along. They were important in his life. The Princess was his sister. Ferra was like him; an Otherworlder. However, Marsil knew Ferra had no interest in the sewing, stitching or harp lessons taught to the Ladies.

The Keeper's daughter was more interested in war. She could nock an arrow faster than most men Marsil knew. She could hit bullseye from a hundred yards. She was fast on her feet and handled a spear like a wand to a magician.

Ferra was a warrior not a Lady.

It was early evening, and since Marsil had nothing else to do, he looked to the map on his study table once more.

There had to be something he was missing.

Where would an Icelander want to hide in the summerlands?

His hands went over the map and he was tracing a curved line along the edges when he heard two loud knocks on his door. He barely opened his mouth before the door swung open.

Without turning around, he knew the person who had walked in. He however did turn around when he heard giggling.

He immediately met two pairs of female eyes. One, blue as the sky outside. The other golden as the waning sun. They moved over him and pink colored their cheeks.

Marsil immediately looked down and noted he had no shirt on. His broad chest and abs were on full display for their eyes. He hurriedly moved across the room to get a shirt.

"You don't have to hide yourself, brother?" Esabel called from behind. He could detect a sexy lilt to her words.

Marsil faced away from both women and hurriedly dragged on a shirt, dark in color—like most of his wardrobe.

"Why are you here?" The Prince said, turning around once the shirt was donned.

He ensured his voice was gruff. He disliked being stern to Esabel but he had to be. For both their sakes. Unfortunately for Marsil, his cold nature only drew the Princess more to him.

She didn't answer his question. She just went grinning seductively at his toned frame that still shone through the material of his shirt. Since he could not bear to have such pretty blue eyes on him without turning hard, he decided to send his gaze elsewhere.

The Prince looked to the other young woman in the room.

"Ferra, how are you doing? Are the castle guards giving you any trouble?"

The dark-haired beauty was more bashful than the Princess and turned peach under his silver looks.

"No, and no," she replied. "They pretty much like me."

Marsil moved a step closer.

"I don't blame them. What's not to like about you."

His words sent Ferra turning scarlet. Her cheeks burned even as Esabel smirked beside her.

"Aww! Brother," the princess crooned. "Who knew you had a silver tongue?"

Marsil growled low in his throat. He'd intended his words to be a compliment not flattery, but Esabel always managed to rile him up. One of the many reasons why he couldn't get her out of his mind.

She was like light to him, with her blue eyes and her hair like golden bales of hay.

The Princess noted his solemn expression and walked slowly to him. Marsil knew he should move away or tell her to leave, but his body remained rigid.

Esabel reached him and pushed her body soft into his. Her palms raked over his chest and he let her. He could feel her heat so warm on his body and her scent had his thoughts scrambling away.

"Esabel..." he whispered. A statement of warning voiced in a tone of timbre.

The Princess only pushed her soft body harder into his virility and soon, Marsil could feel her erect nipples pushing against his chest. He closed his eyes as he felt heated blood roar down his body, filling his cock to a length massive as a fist.

"I love your silver tongue, brother. Makes me wonder what else it can do..."

Marsil's eyes immediately flew open and it lighted down on Esabel. He was aware of Ferra watching everything from behind them. She could well leave but she didn't. She just stood with level amber eyes, as if waiting for something.

Her eyes even seemed darker...

Marsil knew they were all aroused. He could smell the tickling scent in the air. Esabel flush against him was aroused. Ferra watching behind was also aroused. And him, painfully so.

He knew he had to do something to cool the atmosphere or at least dull the crackling energy enough for him to gather his thoughts.

But when Esabel was staring at him like that with those blue eyes...

When he could see Ferra hold her breath in aroused silence...


These two words flashed in his mind and he remembered Arlon. His father would not be happy if anything were to happen between him and Esabel. This thought cooled some of his raging blood and Marsil reluctantly pulled away.

His movement seemed to also pull the young women out of their haze and Ferra quickly cleared her throat. It was her who sputtered something to break the awkward silence.

"W—we came to ask you if you need a new garment for the Costume Carnival..."

Marsil turned back around. He noted Esabel was fumbling with her blonde hair, no doubt to calm her stirring libido also.

"Costume Carnival?" The Prince asked.

Esabel looked up, spiralling back to her spirited self.

"Yeah, you know... the one where the entire kingdom gets to play dress-up. We get to dress as knights, wenches, merchants, jesters and clowns, demons, even vampires. Though I doubt you'll need a costume, dear brother. You always wear yours every time..."

Ferra chuckled at this and Marsil narrowed his eyes. The Princess playfully went on, obviously loving the way Marsil frowned whenever she taunted him.

"It's been three weeks brother. The eve of the next moon is the Costume Carnival. So do you need any item from the spinners house?"

Marsil shook his head.

"No. Thank you."

She smiled prettily at him and he averted his gaze.

"If that's all, I think it's best if you both leave."

Both Esabel and Ferra comprehended his words. Another minute more and it could turn chemical again. The young women moved to the door but Esabel halted at it.

"See you at dinner," the Princess called with a smile to her brooding brother.

Then she clicked the door shut.

Once they were outside his room, Esabel looked to Ferra. The girl met her gaze with amber eyes before the two of them quickly looked away.

They blushed furiously, wondering what the hell had happened in the room with the Vampire Prince.

The heat of the moment had left it's mark on their minds.