Hello, once again! Dear Reader:

I sincerely want to appreciate you for your support so far. The power stones, the recommendations, and the reviews. I say a big thanks to you all.

Based on the chapter comments received, I gather you're interested. I'd like to use this chapter to answer a few questions posted.

~The complex history of the book?

Yes, the first few chapters are quite enigmatic but as I stated in the auxiliary chapter, the minds of humans are complex. To understand their minds, you must take a peek at their origins.

I can't just sweep right into the scenes of blood and gore. Take the MC, Marsil for instance, it's the prior knowledge of his vampire origin that led to his greatness at the Arena.

~The sex scenes?

Not much has being said about them, so I presume they're okay. You can still comment to let me know what you think.

~Will MARSIL ever return to Valkalon?

While I'm not one to give spoilers, I will say you might just get your wish...

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

...and so this brings us to the end of this volume;


Here are some questions that shall be answered in the coming volume.

~Will Marsil and his group of friends find Gryther?

~Will Arlon discover the affair between Lorraine and Rebelle? Will he discover her real name?

~Will Yvenne get her revenge on Illishan the Bleeder?

~What happens next for the Icelanders?

~Will Marsil and Esabel finally have sex? Or is it more?

Kindly review this novel. All it takes is a few minutes, and much more motivation for me.

Once again, thanks for all of your support.

Your Gift-inspired writer,

Dean Sahara.