THE ICELANDIC EMPEROR, Leonidas Bane sat on a dark Briarwood throne carved into the silver marble of its dais. The throne rested at the head of the Great Hall where the snow walls could cast ghostly haloes on the dark Wytchwood.

A dozen human skulls marked the helm, shined to look like bronze. These were the heads of the first Summer Kings, proudly displayed as a trophy by the First Men of the North after the emancipation of their people from the South.

The Icelanders had gloriously claimed the heads of the South Kings during the Night Wars and had gladly staked them high on their city's walls until they were rotted down to the bone before pulling the skulls down to construct the Briarwood throne.

This was a remembrance for the Icelanders and the Summer Dwellers alike that the North could also be fierce. That the North was Ice and Snow.

...and that the NORTH NEVER FORGETS.