THE PRINCE TRIED HIS BEST to erase the intense moments shared at the lake with his sister, but nothing seemed to be quite able to pull his mind back to normalcy. The image of her shimmery blue eyes had been forever etched into his mind. 

Morality seemed to fade from his thoughts as his musings were solely on the thought of Esabel, the beautiful princess of Syveria.

... First, it was her skin; the soft shade of milk white that had gleamed in the water. Then, it was her kiss; the press of those rose lips soft as a pillow. It was her tongue, the wet touch of velvet as their mouths had collided in heat.

... But at the recollection of her plump tits in his hands—the way the ample flesh had moulded into his palm, Marsil clenched his fists by his sides. How ever was he to remain sane around her? Much less a brother. Esabel was a temptation, his undoing; one he could never avoid as he was tasked with the duty of keeping her safe.