

Hemlock's voice sounded loud and shocked as he rose also to his feet.

"The Blue Cloaks are here," Marsil repeated.

"The Blue Cloaks are here?" Hemlock uttered with a disbelieving look on his face.

"...how the fuck did they find us?'

It was Gryther who replied even as Elrina began to gather their things.

"The lands of the West must be the last place left to search in the kingdom. If the Blue Cloaks are here, it means they must've scoured the entire summerlands..."

"Fuckin' manics!" Hemlock cursed. Gryther continued anyway.

"...the Moor was just a resting place not a permanent dwelling. We'll find some other place," he said, looking to Elrina.

Everyone was quiet for a while and Esabel joined the chubby woman as they hurriedly packed up the blankets and scattered the cooking stones.