"WE ARE YOUR HUMBLE SERVANTS, DRACAENY. The Forgotten Tribes will always remember your legend."

Chief Knut stood at the border of the village as he uttered these words. 

"But must you leave us so soon? We are well and more than happy to host a festival in your honor."

The man stood with his dark eyes set upon the Vampire Prince. A young man who towered above anyone else around but was meek as befitting one of the plebeians.

Marsil was quick to give his reply.

"Yes, Chief. I'm afraid we must," he said. His voice was pure coal.

"We thank you a great deal for your hospitality. It's been so generous and refreshing to our spirits, but we fear we cannot remain."

Marsil turned to his side to peer at his friends. Esabel had a secret smile on her lips while Ferra and Hemlock had easy ones on theirs.

"We have quite a journey ahead," the Prince finished.