THE REGAL BANNERS OF HOUSE PIERRAN had long since being notable in the kingdom of the South. And even in the far-reaching Realms across the Emerald sea. From the time Nihila had united the continent and reigned over a unified Adramon as the Golden One, House Pierran stood for royalty.

The status of the royal house hadn't dwindled the slightest in the centuries after.

Through blood and gore, through betrayal and lust, the House remained. For with the many chivalrous tales told of Nihila, the Golden Knight, no one could ever hope to topple the dynasty of such legend. The bloodline of Nihila. The house of Nobles with gold in their hair and the sapphire gems for eyes.

So in all the ages of the continent, through the separation effected by the Night Wars, House Pierran had remained.

And ruled.

Though many Houses such as Tamil had faded in all the horror of that dark age, the royal house had remained exactly so. Royal.