~WARNING: This Chapter contains intense sex scenes that may seem dark to some Readers. Kindly be advised.

Music recommendation: Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish.


THE FALL OF VESPERS was the best time of the day to view the Carrean sea. As the serene twilight set over Syveria, the scarlet hues of a fading evening was diluted in splashes of lilac and gold. This was the hour just before the fall of night. The day was dark enough to signal the encroaching darkness but in its mild shadows, the perfect sunset was created.

From the high cliffs of the borderlands, crashing waves of the sea beat at the rocks, sending whitish sprays in rainbow archs that showered the air, raining down on the cliff surface in little pebbles that shimmered in the air.

The scent of brine and decaying seaweed cast into the breezy ambience.