~LADY LOVE~ (The Message of Death)

Music Recommendation: Born to Die by Kelly Clarkson.


THE MORNING IN THE SUMMERLANDS DAWNED SUBLIME AND FAIR, but before idle clouds could stroll by the wishy blueness of the skies, a storm front appeared. And it was fast in making bed above the pavilions of heaven. The air went from dry to electric in moments, and for the stunned denizens about the borderlands; those slowly watching the dark nimbus creep in, it seemed Ides had answered their call for rain.

The great hail bloomed like a dark fist in the sky and as it moved onwards from the Carrean sea, the boatmen about the shores of Syveria readied their tents to withstand the coming storm. Ides had answered their prayers, well enough that his glory lit the skies. Streaks of lightning marked the path of the approaching storm. Amber currents that tore through the heavens in splintering streams, lighting up the stormhead for few heartbeats before dimming out.