~LADY LOVE II~ (Warrior Princess)

Music Recommendation: Born to Die by Kelly Clarkson.


. . ."WHAT!" LORRAINE SPLUTTERED. "LEAVE? What do you mean?"

The Syverian Queen watched her lover stand by the window, looking mystifying against the vision of the crashing lightning behind. "Come sit down, Rebelle," Lorraine gestured to her. A tense moment passed and it seemed Rebelle wouldn't give.

"Please," Lorraine added. Rebelle finally took a step and the queen spoke to her with reassuring words as she moved closer. "Come, come. There you go..." Lorraine smiled as Rebelle settled herself at the edge of the sprawling bed. "Now, darling, why don't you tell us what's going on?"

Rebelle looked deeply into the queen's green eyes. She could not deny the profound longing she felt for the lovely Regent. Yet, she couldn't tell her about the message from the raven. Not ever. The moment she had been expecting had come, and Rebelle mused that this was a journey she'd have to go alone.