~THE DROWNING~ (River and Rain)

Music Recommendation: Born to Die by Kelly Clarkson.

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ILLISHAN THE BLEEDER STOOD A MAN OF GREAT SIZE. Infact, one could call him a giant. Many did. But he admitted that in all his years of killing, he had never seen a person look so fierce in facing him. Much less, a woman. Men feared him. He was the face of death. Women spinned nightmares about him; the giant killer with the dark cowl and the bloodshot eyes. In the summer Empire, he was horror. Even he knew that. When he faced men, it was certainly not valor that filled their eyes.

It was fear.

Utter fright in his personification.

Yet, to see a woman race towards him with so much moxie in her eyes was a breath of fresh air. She was running through the rain, heading right towards him. And if she wasn't holding a spear pointed at him, he might have applauded her courage. But then, it was clear in her eyes that she planned to stake him.