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"FORGIVE ME, MY LORD, BUT I THINK YOU SHOULD LEAVE MORE OFTEN. . . If this is how intense it's going to be, then perhaps we should let you ride to war. Fuck! I can't feel my legs."

It was a female's voice, mild and assured, that spoke these words. And though her face couldn't yet be illumined in the darkness of the chamber, it was vivid from the dancing shadows about, that the room belonged to the vampire Prince, for no other in the entire monstrosity of the Castle had a room as gothic as he.

A light chuckle followed the woman's voice, followed by the ruffle of sheets. And then, another voice hushed out into the darkness of the bedchamber. A female's, but much quieter.

"It's glad to have you back, Marsil. And I must admit when I saw the Blue Cloaks riding in, I feared you weren't in their company—"