THE SIGNORY OF HOUSE CRANMER was the greatest landmark of the West. It held acres of fruitful field left to grow wild and orchards positioned in moors of country. The House Cranmer had silos for bean and wheat, and vineyards drooping with red grapes ripe for the plucking. It was no wonder to anyone who passed through that the House never lacked for good mead. It was also no wonder that the head of House Cranmer, the old Lord Geralt was wealthier than one-third of the farming folk.

Lord Geralt Cranmer had lands sprawling and green. He was fruitful not only in coin but also in the verdancy of marshes he held. He was in his own right a feudal Lord, and thus, many had granted monicker to his status, addressing him with such titles as the Baron of the West and Lord of the White Keep. It seemed befitting to the old man, though he considered mild envy that they should name his contemporary, Lord Bathurst, as Stallion of the Seas, and he as Baron of the West.