Chapter 83: Battlefield Survival Manual

"A conspiracy? This is more like a joke. The enemies on the opposite side are clearly a group of recruits. The attackers swarmed up, and when they retreated, they scattered. I don't know where the enemy found these soldiers!"

Gregory made a quick judgment. If it weren't for the lack of troops in his hand, he would really order to kill them all. Such a good opportunity was quite rare.

"Captain, I think the enemy has abandoned a lot of weapons, why don't we send someone to pick them up and make a fortune!" The young officer thought about it and said

Gregory glared fiercely, and said in a tone of that sounded very terrifying: "Ambridge, sometimes I really want to split your head to see what's inside, why there are so many weird ideas! Just thinking about making a fortune, are you a fool to think the enemy on the opposite side why just let you? Why don't you go up and try to see if the enemy will kill you? Our task is to defend the line of defense. What's the use of picking up those broken guns?"

In this era, the treatment of the military in various countries is not very good. The most important thing to make a fortune is to rely on pillaging on the battlefield.

This war was all fought in Austria. Don't even think about pillaging. No matter how crazy you are, you can't mess around in your own territory. Pillaging have become their main income.

Of course, the land reward promised by Franz is also an important factor to allow them to fight with peace of mind.

In the past, if you wanted to get land rewards, it was mainly to become a noble and get a fief. This was too difficult. Except for a few lucky ones, most people had no chance.

This time Franz made a change. In the past, even a knight had to move thousands of acres of fiefs. Now ordinary soldiers can also get land after making military achievements.

(1 hectare ≈ 2.5 acres)

It's just that this is not a noble fief, nor does it have noble privileges. It is equivalent to the government's use of land to pay military salaries and military rewards.

Since it does not belong to the nobles, the threshold is naturally much lower, and it is much easier for ordinary soldiers to obtain land. Basically, as long as you fight a battle on the battlefield, you will get a few acres of land, and if you are lucky, you can get a few hectares of land.

Ambridge wants to make money, the main purpose is to worry about insufficient military merit, and then he can use the money to redeem the land from his hands. After all, his goal is to become a farmer.

This is a preferential treatment for military personnel. In order to limit land mergers, the Austrian Land Purchase Law stipulates that the area of ​​land purchased per capita shall not exceed 2 hectares, and the rewards obtained on the battlefield are not included in the calculation.

"Uncle Gregory, you know I have many brothers and sisters in my family. As the second son, I don't have the qualification to inherit the title and property, so I want to take the opportunity to make a fortune!" Ambridge said indifferently.

Gregory said angrily: "Damn, why don't you want to work hard and earn a title yourself?

I bet that as long as you can get a title, even if it is only the lowest non-hereditary lord, old John will be happier than you get 100,000 Rhein Shields! "

In this era, the main officers in the European army were basically children of nobles, especially the second sons who did not have the qualifications to inherit the title, and even entered into it as adults.

These people received a good education and quickly stood out in the army. The colonial movement in European countries was created by this group of noble children who were eager to obtain titles.

Ambridge thought for a while and said, "I also want to get a knighthood, but at my level, it's too difficult to get a knighthood now. Uncle Gregory, if we take someone to sneak attack on the enemy camp at night, if it succeeds, maybe my goal will be achieved!"

Gregory rubbed his forehead, giving up his plans to continue teaching Ambridge's distant nephew. Even if you want to attack at night, you have to consider the actual situation, right?

He admits that the enemy is a joke. He has never seen such a fighting force in the army after serving for so many years.

But he couldn't underestimate the number of enemies in their camp! The enemy on the opposite side has two divisions, and the troops in his hand are only one regiment, which is not even one-fifth of his troops. (Division: 10-15 thousand soldiers, Regiment: 1 thousand)


In the barracks of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Major General William gave a hard lesson to the soldiers who lay dead on the battlefield today, and also selected a few unfortunate people as targets of "desertion", and were executed due to the military law.

The battle started again, perhaps because of the execution due to "desertion", or perhaps because of the veterans of the Sardinian Kingdom. If they were more brave, the battle in the afternoon would be much more tragic.

Picking up the binoculars and watching the scene of death and blood, there were soldiers rushing into the enemy's position at one point, Major General William nodded with satisfaction, this was war, as long as it was not like the idiots from this morning, then it will be okay!

In the camp, the undercurrent has begun to surge.

A disgraced soldier said excitedly: "Tom, the knowledge in the "Battlefield Survival Manual" is really useful. Seeing if those idiots unusually arrogant, and are rushing to die, not to mention how much easier it felt shoot at them!"

"Of course, Mr. Guerazzi bought it from an old mercenary at a huge price, just to reduce casualties on the battlefield. Raul, be careful, don't let the Sardinians find out, they have to die in this war! If everyone learns to be smart, who will beat the Austrians?" Tom the middle-aged man said cautiously.

"Yes, let the Sardinians and the Austrians bite each other to death. When they both lose, our Lombard Republic can become independent!" Raul said excitedly.


The "Battlefield Survival Manual" highly valuable piece of work, naturally was not be written by an old mercenary, it is specially prepared by Franz for the Kingdom of Sardinia.

This was summed up by his research on the history of the Italian war, so he sold it to the Sardinian army in advance. Anyway, it was invented by the Italians, and naturally there was no acclimatization.

By the way, he also gave a six-character policy: fight if you win, run if you don't win, surrender if you don't!

It records that most of the life-saving skills on the battlefield, such as: when launching a charge, halfway through looking for favorable terrain to play dead.

The choice of this place is very important, not too far away, not too close to the base camp.

It is best to have a bunker, which can block the enemy's stray bullets, and you must also consider the comfort, because the travel time is too long, and it is easy to numb the limbs.

Another example is: when defending, you can't take the lead, just shoot the bullet casually. Anyway, the probability of hitting the enemy is not high.


Franz spoofed enough of thirty-six items, commonly known as "36 life-saving strategies", all of which were life-saving stunts on the battlefield, and the accompanying explanations were all in the most simple and easy-to-understand language and it did not require literary talent.