Chapter 84: Betraying Fellow Allies

In the middle of the night, there was mourning in the Sardinian barracks.

Falsely reporting military information will be pursued by military law. Since the losses are heavy, there must be losses.

For Major General Will to climb to the position he has obtained to this day, he is naturally not a soft-hearted person. He will not use poison or too harsh means to force deaths.

In order to give the above an explanation, Major General Will had to strengthen his offensive efforts in the afternoon.

The veterans of the Sardinian Kingdom are still very heroic. Their sense of belonging to the country is much stronger than that of the Lombards', and the battle in the afternoon was much more tragic.

Counting the casualties, Major General Will waved his hand and added all the battle losses to the morning battle. More than 300 people died and more than 800 people were injured, which can barely be regarded as heavy casualties.

The senior officers of the second division headed by Major General Will can explain it, but the morale of the army has also dropped to the extreme.

Without contrast, there is no harm. Italians are good at learning, especially the old ones in the army, they quickly learned the skilled maneuvers from their companions.

The "secret manual" is now no longer a secret now that it has started to spread. The "Battlefield Survival Manual" has started spread in the Kingdom of Sardinia's army at a rapid speed.

Perhaps the moral was too low and everyone was too tense, and these soldiers quickly accepted this battlefield life-saving manual happily.

Together with Franz's wonderful theory, it is also became widely recognized. I don't know when it started, a voice appeared in the army of the Kingdom of Sardinia - don't work for the capitalists.

Italy has been divided for so long that ordinary people have forgotten that they are Italian and have been replaced by Sardinians, Genoese, Lombards…

What does unification do for them? It seems that the capitalists are the most profitable. The unified Italy allows them to have a larger market for exploitation, but they, the bloody soldiers who fought for the unification, get nothing!

The nationalism of the Kingdom of Sardinia has awakened, and the same messy thoughts have also emerged. Italians are good at thinking, and they begin to plan for themselves when they think too much.

Unconsciously, the army of the Kingdom of Sardinia has undergone transformation, and the bravery and the will to fight began to leave them.

This is also an Italian tradition, commonly known as the "three-minute heat". Once they see bloodshed, their passion is extinguished. The "Battlefield Survival Manual" was the reason they needed to convince themselves.


The general headquarters of the Sardinian army in Venice, Marshal Bardorio doesn't know what has happened yet, the army under him is undergoing a magnificent transformation, and now he is having a headache for the Tuscan people's letter for help.

He still appreciates the positive performance of the Tuscan army have shown, the Austrian war needs such activists as cannon fodder.

"Frontline battle report, the Tuscan army was attacked by the main Austrian army and asked us for help. What do you think should be done?"

A middle-aged officer frowned and said: "Your Excellency Marshal, the Tuscans are about 30 kilometers away from us. If you count the time to deliver the letter, the battle should have happened half a day ago.

If we send troops immediately, we will be able to reach the battlefield within a day at the earliest. It doesn't matter whether we can catch up or not, if we break our military deployment, the next battle will be difficult to fight! "

Obviously, he was not ready to rescue the Tuscans.

Allies, isn't it just for betrayal?

Besides, when did the kingdom of Sardinia and Tuscany become true allies?

As long as the Kingdom of Sardinia wants to unify the Italian region, and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany will face each other sooner or later, aren't they funding the enemy when they ask for help at this time?

"Jackson, this is not good! If we don't send troops to rescue the Tuscans, it will cause very serious diplomatic trouble, and the Papal States and Naples will also feel betrayed, and we will fight alone in this war!" A middle-aged officer objected

"Candice, this war was already our own fight, these allies are completely unreliable. The Kingdom of Naples did send 40,000 troops, but where are these 40,000 troops? Is there even a regiment for the vanguard they sent? The Tuscans did show positive performance, but we all knew that their commander was a self-righteous idiot with no military common sense. Such trash allies, apart from causing trouble, what else can you expect from them? There is also the division of the Papal State. In fact, everyone knows that they only have more than 7,000 people, and they are dawdling along the way. Where are they now, with the battle already starting?" Jackson a middle-aged officer objected.


Marshal Bardorio nodded, this military expedition we can not count on our allies, Austria's influence in the Italian state is simply too grand, even if they use public opinion to force countries to send troops, everyone will still not work hard.

Now that things have changed again in Italy, the Papal States and the conservatives in Naples are making a comeback, and maybe these allies will quit this battle.

"What you said makes sense, so let's send someone to tell the Tuscans to keep them waiting for help, and we will send reinforcements as soon as possible!"

There is no doubt that Marshal Bardorio is betraying his allies. Send troops to rescue as soon as possible, when exactly?

If you really want to rescue the Tuscans, now would have been the best time for them to send troops to help them instead of wasting and stalling time.


On the front line, the Tuscan coach, General Maherd, is no longer as high-spirited as he used to be, and is disgraced and carries out a "strategic shift" with the soldiers.

This battle can't be fought. Originally, the Tuscan army's combat effectiveness was not good, and the enemy on the opposite side was twice as strong. After insisting on fighting for a few hours, they were beaten and have scattered.

Maherd took part of the defeated soldiers with him, and turned around and ran away without looking back. If he lost the war, he lost, and he was not ashamed to lose to the Austrians. He didn't want to stay as a prisoner.

As a thorn in the King's eyes and flesh, if he falls into the hands of the Austrians, if the two sides cannot make a ransom, he will be killed or hanged. Maherd does not dare to test the integrity of the King.

"General Maherd, Marshal Bardorio told us to stand by and wait for help, they will send troops as soon as possible!" said a young officer in surprise.

"Isn't the Sardinian army dispatched immediately after receiving the letter for help?" Maherd asked with concern

No, they held an hour-long military meeting, and then said that they would send troops as soon as possible. They might have already left by this time, right?" the young officer said uncertainly.

Maherd's face changed greatly, he reacted quickly, and ordered: "Order the troops to speed up, our allies are about to arrive, everyone come to the front and join them!"

Ally? Would we even get any allies, such a perfunctory answer can fool these second-year teenagers, but not an old man like Maherd.

Soldiers are very fast, saving people is like putting out a fire, where was there a discussion?

Since there are no allies coming, of course we have to run faster. Boosting morale is also essential.