Chapter 87: Budapest Offensive and Defensive Battle - Undercurrent

The church in Austria is not an easy fruit to squeeze as they will. Although it is now in decline, the church has already colluded with the local nobles.

This is also the reason why Franz was not in a hurry to attack the church. You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to kill enemies one by one. It would be even better if you can turn enemies into friends.

There is no doubt that the members of the Austrian church are not worthy of him to win over. These people are rich and hard to grasp, and they hinder the development of Austrian society. They are real revolutionaries.

Prime Minister Felix said: "His Royal Highness, it is best to postpone the affairs of the church. Not long ago, there was a change in the Papal State. Pope Pius IX went into exile in Naples and has already been rescued by us.

The cabinet decided to speed up the suppression of the rebellion, defeat the Kingdom of Sardinia, and send troops to the Papal State to help Pius IX take power! "

Obviously, the cabinet government is not a fool, and knows that attacking the church is not something that can be rushed. Since the Middle Ages, theocracy has begun to compete with kingship, and now secular kingship has prevailed, but theocracy still cannot be underestimated.

It's definitely not a good choice to do it directly with them. However, these clerics are not without their nemesis, and Austrian Catholicism is also under the leadership of the Holy See.

Now the Papal State has changed, and Austria needs to lend a helping hand. After this is done, can Pius IX still not reciprocate?

Franz nodded with satisfaction, thinking to himself: Sure enough, these old political foxes are not fuel-inefficient lamps, and they are accurate when it comes to grasping the timing.

The Pope of Rome is too busy to take care of himself, and he has no hesitation in selling out the Austrian Church for his own benefit. With the Pope's top boss around, the pressure they have to bear will be much less.


With the order of the Vienna government, the Budapest offensive and defensive battle started.

Now Lieutenant General Julius doesn't have to worry. According to the plan of the Vienna government, Budapest is already dispensable in the future division of administrative divisions, so there is no need to worry about the war destroying the city.

Budapest is actually a merger of Buda and Pest. As early as the Middle Ages, Pest became the capital of Hungary, and Buda is just a city separated from Pest by water.

When referring to two cities, they are usually linked together, Budapest or Pestbuda.

After the establishment of the Hungarian Republic, the two cities were merged. After the war, they would naturally be split, and they would belong to the jurisdiction of the two provinces.

"Your Excellency, the Ministry of War has issued a siege order, asking us to take Budapest as soon as possible. What is your opinion?" Lieutenant General Julius asked with concern.

"The Bohemian Legion and the Croatian Legion are complementary, and this attack on Budapest is only a temporary joint command. Julius must consider the opinions of Governor Josip Jelačić.

"Your Excellency, the Hungarian rebel party has already become a mediocrity, and conquering Budapest is not a problem, the key is whether the rebel party can be wiped out!

At this time, the Transylvanian regiment had reached the banks of the Tisza, the Austrian regiment was also advancing along the Danube, and a larger circle was being formed outside our circle.

The only way out for these rebels is to flee to the Ottoman Empire. The Sudanese government started major reforms as early as 1839. They have been hostile to the empire for a long time, and there is a high possibility of taking in these rebel parties.

If they were to merge, it would be very detrimental to the future rule of the Empire in Hungary. Therefore, whether the enemy can be completely wiped out is the key to this war! "

Governor Josip Jelačić is a military politician, and he looks at the problem more from a political point of view. In the long run, it is more meaningful to completely destroy the Hungarian Revolutionary Party than to conquer Budapest.

Lieutenant General Julius said with a wry smile: "It's hard to do, the revolutionaries are not as heroic as they boast, when the momentum is not right, they can run faster than rabbits. It is estimated that now they are ready to rush out, we launch the Budapest siege, they will slip away, unless they can be blocked in the city, they cannot be wiped out. "

A loyal member of the Habsburgs, Julius was very hostile to the Revolutionaries that he didn't mind hanging them all if possible.

Franz asked him to be the commander-in-chief, and the main purpose was to let him kill all the criminals who participated or were suspected of participating in the rebellion.

Regardless of whether the rebels could be wiped out, on May 24, 1848, the Austrian army still launched the siege of Budapest. In order to wipe out the head of the Revolutionary Party, Julius even chose to besiege the city on all sides, which was not militarily desirable.

The connection to the outside world for the Hungarian Republic was completely cut off, and Budapest had become an isolated city. Perhaps it was because the Austrian army let its artillery, fire into the city recklessly.


Since the sound of the siege cannons sounded, this ancient city has become noisy, the main battle faction and the faction kept quarreling, and some people with enough brains were looking for a way out or joining the Austrians, and the pressure on the Kossuth government increased greatly.

"Count Shemir, the revolutionaries are still unwilling to compromise, what should we do now?" Gorge asked with a headache

"General Gorge, how many people in the National Guard are under our command?" Shemir asked with concern

"Kossuth has begun to doubt us. He asked Bem to take over the military power in my hands half a month ago, and now he has invited the famous Polish General Henryk Dembiński to preside over the city defense affairs. If I do it now, I can command thirteen thousand troops, but these people are still scattered in various troops and cannot be concentrated! "General Gorge replied embarrassedly.


This was Shemir's first reaction. As the War Minister of the Provisional Government, he did not have a reliable army in his hands.

Thirteen thousand people? This is obviously deceiving people. If they still have so many direct-line troops in their hands, they would have turned against the revolutionaries long ago.

You must know that the Hungarian National Guard General Gorge was one-handedly involved in the formation. As a member of the bourgeois aristocracy, they could stuff a lot of people into it.

Up to now, it has been emptied by the revolutionaries. Shemir can't think of a better word except to use "shit" to describe it.

"General Gorge, I'm not asking how many people are inclined to us, but how many people can you use without attracting attention from the outside world? It's immediately, not how many troops can be concentrated!" Shemier explained helplessly.

"Without attracting attention from the outside world, at most five hundred people can only be used." General Gorge replied with a frown.